end of movie

what happened at the end? i fell asleep!


Buy the dvd ;P An explanation would do it no justice!!

To die is to live.


but i dont want the dvd! i just want to know the end!


Well.....big John smokes a big pink cigar and then billy bob kills the orange ball!!!! The effects are great though!

To die is to live.



I mean no offence to iamapig2003 but I really wish those that want spoilers would rent or buy the video.





Um, they fill the tanker with fuel (they is Jamie lee, the russian girl and the guy that looks like alec baldwin) then the big moster comes to kill them.

Alec gets knocked out, Jamie does a runner and jumps into the petrol and the russian girl gets knocked out.

Jamie wakes up, and shes being held hostage by the monster he asks where the bomb is, she says she forgot so the monster zaps her. Alec comes and shoots the monster and is knocked away, russian girl does a one handed gangster unloading of her clip at the monsters face, she gets knocked away. Then Lo and Behold the black guy comes nad shoots the thing with a rocket launcher. He helps Alec up, russian girl helps Jamie up. The thing comes back to life and knocks some pipes on alec and the balck guy, jamie and russian do a runner.

Alec comes out under rubble, negro dies, but not before telling him tehre is another way out he rigged.

Jamie and Russian seem to have got away and then machine comes, russin pushes jamie away and gets picked up by robot, shoots flare gun at gas canister blows herself and robot up.

Jamie and alec meet up, monster comes smaching back, they run to missle room sentimentality, they rocket out. Bomb rigged to the escape pods blows up ship and monster.

The end.


Why do you have to be so racist when your making a post.


Racist? because he said the word black & negro. Clam down man. He's just having a laugh, my best friend is black he read the post with me and laughed more than I did.


Did he sorry im never usualy pc in fact i hate anyone pc sorry.


No problem dude. :)



How is this a racist movie? please tell...


They kills te machinez



No bites on ImpulseCaper's post l see.

Loved the Maori guy laying down a haka at one stage. Kia ora any kiwis reading...

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