MovieChat Forums > Armageddon (1998) Discussion > It was great that America saved the worl...

It was great that America saved the world



Why doesn't Uraguay ever save the world? Has no one heard of their extensive and secretive space program?


Considering the Russian saved AJ, saved the armadillo that drilled the hole, probably kept the spaceships from blowing up, and saved the ship at the end, I think your comment is kind of stupid.


Idiots like you are why this movie is so underrated and the sh!t they make today is overpraised. American self-hate and white guilt bullcrap.

That's putting it mildly, OO7


American self-hate and white guilt bullcrap.

Who said anything about race? Stop being such a racist.


This movie is underrated because it's crap.


Calm down, it's just a movie! If they needed IT support, a different country would have been involved. Speaking of which, do bovine urinologists really exist?



So, who do you think should have saved the world - Rakesh Sharma?


It's an American movie, what do you expect Rajesh Mulan? Get over it.

When Botswana, your country, gets its own movie studios and makes movies, you can have it where Botswana saves the world, instead of US.
