MovieChat Forums > Armageddon (1998) Discussion > Why do people hate this movie?

Why do people hate this movie?

This is one of the best movies I've ever seen. I liked everything about the movie. It had Bruce Willis, Liv Tyler, and Steve Buscemi. It had a funny Russian character, Aerosmith, an exciting and emotional plot.


I enjoyed the movie, but many people hate it for a variety of reasons:

1) It is extremely weak scientifically. There are 100's of easily noticed flaws throughout the movie. Weren't you completely jarred from your suspension of disbelieve when Rockhound suddenly opens up with a gatling gun on an asteroid? What?? Think how much that thing and its ammo weighed. Heck, the shuttle commander had to go through all this 'unlock the secure box to get the singular pistol' to wave at Bruce Willis (yeah, firing a gun inside a pressurized coffin, very smart) and ol' Rockhound just has to push a button to fire a gatling gun? They had a scene where the drilling crew went over the drill rig tossing useless parts out (whats this? a $500 backscratcher?) and they didn't happen to notice a multi-barreled gatling gun complete with 100's of rounds of ammo?
The list goes on and on, jarring errors in almost every scene. Even the reason Rockhound was there made no sense. He did absolutely nothing the entire movie, except pointlessly endanger everyone's lives. He provided commentary on what they were drilling through, but to what point? It didn't change anything they were doing.

2) Many posters here, being millennials, Russian propagandists, foreigners, people suffering massive inferiority complexes and xenophobes, utterly hate the 'USA saves the World' movie scripts. All those American flags spotted throughout the movie was just waving red flags at the bulls.

3) some portions of the movie really dragged, or were overly emotional, or were just dumb emotional.

4) Michael Bay directed the movie. A lot of people that post here don't like Michael Bay.

Or you can just watch this video:




Yes, very exciting film. It never pretended to be scientifically correct but it keeps you at the edge of your seat & allows the audience to realize how fragile our earth is to a meteor strike.


I agree. Totally underrated. There's action, drama, scifi, romance etc.. And Aerosmith of course. :D
But maybe that's the reason too. Too much everything? Maybe people just take it too seriously, like the subject is as well.
Everything is not for everybody.


It's become cool to hate it because of the bad science. A lot of people who don't understand science read online that they should hate this movie because of it, and they're incapable of forming their own opinion. The same thing could be done to Ghostbusters or any number of beloved make believe movies.


This movie is no different than the others...


A movie that made an a**load of money at the box office, was a crowd pleaser with most movie goers, was *the* movie to purchase for DVD in the late 90's, and is played a lot on multiple TV networks is not widely hated. Haters just are more vocal because they have internet access is all...And they are in a minority.


Because it's an easy target. Bad science, bad plot (to a point).

The idea that it's easier to train oil drillers to be astronauts rather than the reverse is ludicrous. That's the entire foundation of the movie.

If you can accept at face value that training oil drillers in this world was the only way, then I find the movie to be pretty entertaining. Some just can't overlook that.

The emotional moments are pretty good, rare for a Bay film. The acting is outstanding from everyone. And of course, the action scenes are classic.

The science is retarded. There's no easy way to say it. Blatantly wrong in just about every regard. So again, for many, the film will be hard to take seriously.

I let you know me... see me. I gave you a rare gift, but you didn't want it - Hannibal Lecter


The idea that it's easier to train oil drillers to be astronauts rather than the reverse is ludicrous. That's the entire foundation of the movie.

Even Ben Affleck was befuddled by that premise and confronted Michael Bay about it.


Many people are under the impression that they were watching a documentary.

It's science FICTION, for pete's sake.


It has too many explosions imo.
