Criterion version

What did they add and what chapters are they in


okay,i understand giving the rock a criterion release because it kicked off the bay/bruckheimer blockbuster phenomenon,but...why this?



I had the Criterion edition on DVD and it was much better then the Theatrical cut. It had about 15-20min of extra footage within the movie. Mainly it was more character development.

Changes: In the beginning when Willis is chasing Affleck on the oil rig after finding his daughter slept with Affleck is extended has a couple more shots and different angles and some extra dialog which helped the scene flow better.

Other extended scenes is during the montage when nasa is tracking down the crew to bring them to nasa. Shows more of what they are doing and had some nice funny scenes and extra dialog.

There is a new scene between Bruce Willis and Billy Bob Thorton characters
after the comment hits Asia. It's more exchange of dialog about what happened how many ppl died and how important there mission is.

A couple extra scenes during the nigh out scenes where nasa lets the guys out for a night of fun. There's a really nice funny scene between Rockhound and a loan shark. There's more dialog exchange and also some language that was edited out of the theatrical cut. It looks like it was cut out to secure a 13 rating because there were some F bombs and other rough dialog. There's also a scene where Oscar is praying in church and if I remember correctly there is an exchange of dialog between him and a priest and on cut scene that I loved was between Willis's charactor and his dad! This was a great scene and touching. I think there was a couple extended scenes in the strip club.

There is also another new scene between Willis and Thorton characters. Just some extra bonding time between the two. Thorton's character talks about the mission how Thorton would be on the ship with them if he could and what happened that grounded him from going into space missions. Just more character development with dialog between the two.

There's a scene where Rockhound and another guy are annoying another character fueling the rocket ships. It's a funny scene.

Extended scenes between Willi's character and his daughter saying goodbye it's a touching scene along with extended scenes of Affleck saying goodbye to her aswell.

Extended shots of inside the shuttles and outside during the launch sequence.

There is another new scene of commets hitting another place. Honestly I can't remember where they hit but it was a nice scene.

Besides some added dialog that was probably cut to secure a 13 rating the rest
of the movie is the same as the theatrical cut from here on.

The last extended scene is between Willis and his daughter when she finds out he's going to sacrifice his life and they have some extra dialog. The extended scenes was very nice and emtional which I think was much needed in the theatrical cut.

All in all the new and extended scenes is character development prior to the launch and some dialog to secure a PG13 rating because of some F bombs etc.

I really wish they would release this on BD the DVD is not anamorphic so if you have an HD 16:9 TV it plays in a small box which is very annoying and hard to watch.

But if you have anyway to watch the Criterion Directors cut its definitely worth it! I think Amazon has some copies for sale but not sure for how much. You can also find detailed differences here

This is a great website that has detailed info about differences between theatrical and director cuts. Again I really wish they would release this on BD it's worth it along with the directors cut of Pearl Harbor. Pearl Harbor directors cut is a very hard R rating and much MUCH better then the theatrical cut. The directors R rated cut is actually a watchable lol.


I have the Criterion DVD and the copy I have is anamorphic on my 16:9 tv so I don't know why yours wasn't. I thought the picture looked great and the Criterion release is still the definitive release of Armageddon despite the Blu Ray!


Criterion should release it on blu-ray.


The Gag reel is probably one of my favorite dvd extras of all time.


Perfect summation of the additional footage and dialog.


It's great. Doubles down on the father/son stuff.
