I couldn't watch this without thinking of how much risk they were all putting themselves in for contracting AIDS. Especially the scene where the blood is coming from the sprinkler system on the roof.

Maybe vampires are immune to AIDS.


I see what you mean. It definitely crossed my mind a few times before. I think that the vampires in this universe are immune to AIDS. Since they are already created by a virus of some sort, another virus wouldn't do much damage to them. Perhaps the vampires created HIV/AIDS meant to harm humans and make them weaker, easier as prey in this universe. I know I know, i'm looking too deep into it. But it is worth noting.


I think it's rather implied with all the vampires being immortal things like AIDS and cancer are of no concern.

Porch Monkey 4 Life.


Why would aids be an issue for a vampire?

"Sorry I'm late guys. I was taking a crap."
Paul Newman


I think it was supposed to be cow (bovine) blood. And the human Traci Lords brought to the party was actual prey.


They also had racks of humans trussed up. That's what spooked her date when he caught a glimpse of one being wheeled by.


That one girl got after Blade with meat hooks.


Sometbing like that would make a great twist to the genre.

-- Sent from my 13 year old P.O.S. DesktopĀ®


I think it was supposed to be cow (bovine) blood. And the human Traci Lords brought to the party was actual prey.

I'm certain it was both animal and human blood being sprinkled out of the ceiling. As another post stated, there were humans racked up too. The human date/prey spotted that briefly and was spooked by it, trying to question it even. But hey, it's an underground nightclub and getting in for free...what could possibly go wrong? Lol

I'm certain he wasn't the only live human prey brought to the club that night. I have a feeling there were a few more.
