MovieChat Forums > Blade (1998) Discussion > A big oversight???

A big oversight???

So I just caught the last battle on tv yesterday, and not having seen this in a decade probably, maybe I just missed the explanation but they needed all the Pure Blood Vampires to stand under their respective glipth and have blood drip on them to turn Deacon into that Vampire God. They need ALL of them from what I understood, before the event happened that (Russian?) Girl Vampire stabbed and killed one of them before it started? Wouldn't they have been one short and not able to complete it?!?!


My thoughts exactly. Hopefully there's an explanation.


Maybe that one missing Pure Blood is exactly what caused the full transformation to fail in the end; Deacon may have developed stronger powers, but he was still vulnerable to something that attacked his blood directly. It could be that he remained vincible to some level because of that one missing guy in the ceremony.

Either this, or it's a plot hole :)


They also killed the other guy by sunrise. I don't understand how they'd have 12 without him either, unless there were more than 12 pure bloods/houses.

Haven't looked at all the other threads, but the purpose of La Magra as Frost explained it was to have the whole planet be vampires...which would mean zero humans/food, right? Starvation much? lol So I'd think this is another plot hole.


As long as China and India are producing children like mad, they'd never run out of food!  ;-/

- - - - Sci-fi, Batman, & E:FC

- - - - Homage to DW & B7


They would if La Magra blew through China and India and turned their populations into vampires.


You're assuming La Magra would be as ravenous as Akasha, "Queen Of The Damned!"

- - - - Sci-fi, Batman, & E:FC

- - - - Homage to DW & B7
