MovieChat Forums > Deep Impact (1998) Discussion > Ridiculously stupid ending

Ridiculously stupid ending

Morgan Freeman is addressing the crowd as they are rebuilding the Capitol building and he's done talking it cuts to the crowd that is cheering but the crowd is doing applause, no cheering, no jumping up and down for joy that hey your life was spared...they're just standing there like they are waiting at a crosswalk and someone dubbed the cheering over it.

Totally ruined the ending.


Yeah totes!!


They mustve run out of money.


This whole movie felt like it was half finished. Slapped together from a dozen different rewrites. I just watched it thru for the first time (start to finish) and was appalled this was a major motion picture. So scatter shot. It couldn't decide what plot line to focus on and so it didn't develop any of them. Lot of the effects scenes look unfinished, others are just straight up missing all together. Very difficult to follow the space action in particular, it's just leaping from thing to thing no explanation or establishing shots. It's over here, it's over there, space rock goes boom, lady dies for no reason, another speech, the end. What. Ever.


There are a LOT of visual effects that are unfinished in this. And, that's most likely because they rushed "Deep Impact" out to theaters to beat out "Armageddon." And, it shows. A lot.
