Alice mk ultra victim?

She talks very slow and strange, like in a trance. Any thoughts?


She talks like she's in a Kubrick flick. <--only being mildly facetious


Could be. Kubrick did put interesting allusions to real life into this film and interestingly enough, Kidman's father may or may not have been connected to or involved in an elite child trafficking/sex ring.


Her speech was Definitly distracting . Especially in the scene where dancing with the Hungarian . When she was stoned she turned in a nut job . If I was dr Hartford and I was married to her I would have taken those 2 models as well as the hooker on the street . :) Kidman really annoyed me in this film .


Some put the blame entirely on Nicole's acting (her high scene is puzzling), although I'm certain Kubrick got the performance he wanted from her. With that in mind, saying she seems to be in some sort of trance is accurate. Whether she's high, drunk, or simply looking at the mirror, something feels really off about her for most of the film. Now we can only speculate as to why she acted this way (extreme repression?) but in my view it is not unlikely that she was being controlled by a certain cult. And her dream at the end... maybe it was a mere coincidence or perhaps it suggests something more.

You want something corny? You got it!


You could be right. It's all about the elite and therefore possible. I noticed how weird she was at the start, dancing with that rich Hungarian, it was like he had hypnotized her.


Just another victim of the 'princess fantasy'.

Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride
