Colour Klues

The opening shot reveals a red/black colour scheme that relates directly to Somerton, which features black cloaked people and red carpeted floors. The use of the black against red not only makes the red more rich, but thematically it counters the use of the red/blue colour dichotomy.
Kubrick is establishing colour meaning and correlation in the opening scene that continues throughout the film - even with the stoy store scene at the end.

To me, from the get go there seems to be three colour schemes with potential thematic meaning:
Black and white
Red and Black
Red and Blue

And then of course the rainbow. Where it all gets very confusing..

Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride


Other colours spot the film, splashes of yellow and green and purple. Like a painter (kudos to Harry for one of the best finds re: the art underpinnings of the film) Kubrick was using film as a canvas, almost literally.

Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride


You sure, or did he just happen to choose some colors and hope his fans would find some subtext and hidden meaning? But if Joe Schmo, director, used the same colors, nobody would make note of it.

Wow..did you see the composition, symbolism, and color scheme that Joe Zito used in Friday the 13th part 3? What a genius!


This isn't far fetched at all, directors and cinematographers use color to establish mood.
Look into it, alot mention it in audio commentaries and books.
No secret no hidden agenda just quality filmmaking.


The biggest klue I get from your posts, is that you are klueless. Tool!

Don't eat the whole ones! Those are for the guests. 🍪


Good 1.

Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride



the 'dream' world (real world) seems to be devoid of brightly lit lights aka Somerton. the real nasty shit.
the rainbow world which is 'reality' (ppl plugged in the matrix)


So, what are the colour schemes and what do they symbolize? Different levels of reality?
