Tom and Thomas

I just noticed that Tom Cruise and Thomas Gibson look strikingly similar to one another. Is there a significance to this in their castings?


Oh definitely. We're introduced to Carl(Thomas), right after the scene where Alice reveals to Bill(Tom) her fantasy about the naval officer.

Carl's wife Marion also has a fantasy but her fantasy is being with Bill. In a way Bill is her ''naval officer''. Carl is so similar to Bill because he is Bill's ''mirror self''. Bill is shocked to see that Carl is in the same plight as himself. It indicates also that there are probably countless other ''Carls'' and ''Bills'' living in the illusion of comfort and security in their marriages completely oblivious to their spouses true desires. In the scene prior Alice warns Bill, ''If you men only knew.''


It's no coincidence he's quite a bit taller, also...

Watch the scene again and see how Bill and Carl's arrivals are mirrored visually.
We also catch a one or two second glimpse of a red carpeted room just as the maid answers the door that recalls both Zeigler's pool room and Somerton.

Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride


Yeah I also noticed the red carpet room looking very similar to the ritual room at the mansion. Also the mask at the bedside table seem to be suggesting something.


Carl should have been played by Ben Stiller.
