MovieChat Forums > Eyes Wide Shut (1999) Discussion > Weird, supposedly artsy movie

Weird, supposedly artsy movie

This movie was just weird and a porno fest. No point to it, really. The acting is good because of the actors. The script is fine, considering the lack of plot. But it's a rambling, nonsensical, artsy-fartsy putting-on-airs type of movie that is supposed to be "above it all" and cool. It's not.


Yep...Not at all the grand master's check mate play on a sh!tty society.

Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride


Read a book.


Not a fan of this movie


Many famous directors would not agree with you.

Kubrick's film - will always be the definitive version of The Shining.





Pearls to swine


you should give it another shot,
after graduating high school.


Kubrick is pretty dumb no matter what age you are. You have to admit he is a pretentious director


Honestly, is there a point to any movie? They're forms of entertainment, and not subject to scrutiny even though we all do it. We will rate films and judge them and whatnot but at the end of the day, you either like a movie or you don't, no two ways about it.

I actually found EWS to be a good movie. I liked it... I never got the impression that it was trying to be "above it all" though.

The OP is a ghost but it would be interesting to see what other posters with this opinion think of other similar arty films? I guess some people just don't like arty films.
