MovieChat Forums > Eyes Wide Shut (1999) Discussion > Nick blindfolded - red cloak ritual

Nick blindfolded - red cloak ritual

I think it was keyser who suggested we read Preston Nichols book 'The Music of Time' - for clues as to why Nick was wearing the blind fold. I did so - the book is a trip. It seems to me that the implied connection was mind control - that the women in the ritual scene were being put into a trance like state.


Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride


He was wearing the blindfold because the orgy people didn't want him to see what was going on.


Perhaps. That is the standard theory - but I was specifically looking at keyser's comments about the Preston Nichols book.

Do you think the women were suffering mind control in some way?

Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride


Indeed I did; glad you followed my underdog's conjecture. It doesn't hurt.

There's more to the connection there though. Naturally, it's current lore the ladies in the circle were under 'mind control'. But, the stuff I meant to call attention to relate to Reich's work as well as the way sounds (the military umbrella, catchall or coverall term lingo for it is 'frequencies') are technologically (and psychotronically) as well as psychologically used to convey a mind-over-matter and at times lasting effect. Nick is in my opinion one of the highest players in EWS (if not the very highest). He was the man behind the man during the ceremony; his blindfold didn't empair his senses or denote some inferiority due to lack of senses (necessarily and in tune with this conjecture) but on the contrary, served as a sign of who was really 'playing' everyone there and how (by means of paraphysics). Just realize that he wasn't some DJ, he was actually executing the astounding music and hence leading the whole ritual himself, more than Red Cloak which was to the eyes what he was to the rest of the senses (which tend to be overwhelmed by sound due to the surrounding and penetrating nature of it, specially esoteric-wise). Anyway, something along these lines.

The events in the book are fiction but the 'science' behind it and the exotic and esoteric characters (such as Preston himself) aren't. Glad you liked it. I'd recommend a second if not more readings as there are subtleties which tend to be missed on a first read.

(\___/)This is Bunny! Put him on your
(='.'=)signature to help him gain
(")_(")world domination


Interesting stuff. Will definitely give it another read - and y'all should do the same if you can find it. The actual science behind the 'thought forms' and 'thought imprints' and what not was fascinating - basically explaining the physical nature of human beings' reaction to music, and the synthesis between technology and human emotion.

Interesting take on Nick - I saw him as being more out of his depth - but there is a sort of...darkness to him. He is defintely the white rabbit for Bill.

You would assume his 'blind fold wasn't on so well' comment was a little bit of bait dangling...due to the security employed at these shin digs.

Was the chanting coming from cd or something? - I assume Nick was playing the music beneath it.

Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride


I think Nick was in on it too and Bill didn't know the first thing about him.

Plus all the references of him being the devil was just too in the face of the audience.


I think the scene where Kidman is dancing with the Hungarian man is a little weird. She seems more like hypnotised rather than drunk, because she emerges out of it rather too suddenly. Maybe it's just me.


yah same here..
she seemed very much in a trance until he offered some sexy time upstairs and she was liek NAH
