MovieChat Forums > Eyes Wide Shut (1999) Discussion > Did the first shot of Alice take place A...

Did the first shot of Alice take place AFTER the events of the film?

Someone posed this fantastic question in another thread, where it was buried. I think it's worth more discussion.

Here's what I replied in the other thread:

Hmm. Interesting.
It hadn't occurred to me before, but it's certainly possible.

The way that the music is playing from the very first scene throws you off, because its continuity right up until he shuts off the player suggests that it's supposed to all be in realtime. But of course, that may not be the case.

The tennis rackets to me just seemed emblematic of their social class.

In the initial scene, she's not wearing any panties, but by the bathroom scene, she is. Hmmm.

The alcove does change though, as someone mentioned.
In the initial scene, there's nothing on the window sill, but in the scene where he's looking for his wallet, there are a bunch of pictures and doodads on the sill. In the initial scene, there are just the tennis rackets and a floorlamp in the left corner, but in the scene where he's looking for his wallet, the lamp is gone and it looks like a cloak or something is bunched up or hanging on something in that corner. In the initial scene, there's a throw rug in the middle of the floor, but in the scene where he's looking for his wallet, it's not there.
The camera is also placed differently. In the scene where he's looking for his wallet, the bookcase is very visible on the right, but in the initial scene, you can't see the right wall at all, whether by looking directly to the right or by looking for the reflection in the mirrors on the left. So it leaves an open question as to whether it really is the same room.

On the other hand, I just noticed that in the initial scene, the only shoes on the floor appear to be her shoes. None of his. But in the subsequent scene, both of their shoes are there. (The shoes are important because it wouldn't make sense for them to have two different rooms in the apartment with lots of shoes by the window, which means that it's probably the same room. The fact that so many objects have changed strongly suggests that the scenes are taking place at different times. Maybe they did split up and she got the apartment.)

What is your take on the question?


Why does this even matter? Totally irrelevant.

But no, it does not take place after the events of the film.

Whoever brought this up is kind of missing the point of the movie, don't ya think?


Totally irrelevant to what?


The poster is barking up the wrong tree, and putting things together than (from what I understand of the discrepecies, could just be small continuitiny issues.)

This film is told pretty straightforward....there aren't ever flashbacks where we may or may not be in the past or present. To add that layer into this film is ubsurd. You're missing the point of the film if you 're thinking that the first shot takes place after the events of the film.

The film is told linearly. We have no reason to believe otherwise


Modern day married woman's camp climax = divorce.

Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride


To be honest after reviewing the scene I think the original poster has a point. There is too much that is different for it to be a simple continuity error. The only explanations that I can think of are that they are in separate, but identically constructed rooms; that the two scenes take place at a different time, or Kubrick is subtly stylising the first shot for erotic, psychological reasons - an idealised image of male fantasy.


Floor lamp in Kidman scene, large golf bag (or some such) in Cruise scene.

Carefully placed tennis racquets in Kidman scene, no such in Cruise scene.

Empty windowsill in Kidman scene, windowsill cluttered with photographs in Cruise scene.

Only her shoes in Kidman scene, His and her shoes in Cruise scene.

Empty floor in Kidman scene, rug on floor in Cruise scene.

Circular table in Kidman scene, circular table with chair and clutter in Cruise scene.

Kidman is initially getting out of an evening dress without any underwear, in the Cruise scene she is getting ready to go out in a different dress (this could very definitely be deciding to wear something different, obviously).

Since we are given a tour of the bedroom with Cruise trying to find his wallet and can see no identical looking columns anywhere, I conclude they have to be occupying the same Space. Kubrick's changed too much in the room for it to be a simple continuity error - he's actively chosen to replace things. It's either a different time or a consciously idealised image.


Glad to see someone agrees.
I'd figure Kubrick was too detail-oriented and too much of a perfectionist for so many differences to have just been continuity errors.


Given the way the sets change in EWS and things appear and disappear ala The Shining - I'm thinking it's a take on how mis-en-scene reflects a character's feelings and such, and how objectivity is less and less definable in modern life. Perspective and memory change the colour and shape and location of things.
It is so clever that Kubrick shows us that room with Alice, then shows us again with Bill and everything is changed and Bill can't find his wallet. Of course the room was glowing when Alice was in there naked and then bathed in scary blue light when Bill is in there.

Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride




please explain




I had to go back and take a second look. The director does such a great job distracting everyone with nudity, that minor changes or hints are overlooked. This is a great observation.


I'm going to go ahead an add that she appears to be ending her evening (her heels are on, she's stepping into the middle of the room and throwing her dress to the ground as though she was done using it). She steps out of her dress, but not in a way that would indicate she intends to put on another one.

Trust me, if she had another dress in mind, it would have been in plain sight.


Oh goddamn I love this movie. She must have been a member of the ritual.
