MovieChat Forums > Eyes Wide Shut (1999) Discussion > How did Domino (the prostitute) know Bil...

How did Domino (the prostitute) know Bill's name and that he was a dr?

Is this a goof or an intentional clue as to this being all in Bill's head?

After he gets off his cellphone at her apartment, Domino asks Bill, "was that Mrs. Dr. Bill?"

I watched this section over to make sure.

He did not tell her his name, nor did he tell her his profession.

So...has this been discussed? If not, it certainly should be.


The scene is not in real time. There would have been plenty of chances for them to introduce themselves. Remember Bill loves to tell everyone that he is a doctor.

Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride


I thought of this, too; and I see how this could certainly be the case. It's just that I feel as if it should be noted as something of importance.

I mean, this is a Kubrick movie, after all. Take nothing for granted, right?


Perhaps. But for mine that is a minor thing, not what I would consider a plot hole or even a mystery, and this film is filled with mysteries.

Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride


Every chance Bill gets, he mentions that he's a doctor.


i think he mentions the Dr. status like 12,568 times in the movie..

and that's ON-SCREEN !!


I'm surprised he didn't show her his license. Watch it again.


It could very well be a clue that it was all a dream/in his head. Take note to where Bill met Domino it was on the same street as Sonata Cafe. Later on the rainbow fashion store is across the street from Sonata Cafe (you can see the reflection in the window). So, geographically it all takes place in a single square block area, possibly just lack of set design, or is it a dream?
Also, through the movie he keeps visiting the same location only difference is, what he is visiting should not be where he is. for instance the coffee shop is rainbow fashions, and across the street is sonata cafe and next to sonata is gillespie's cafe (look at the set). Even when he visits Gillespies cafe to ask for nightingale, the rainbow fashion, across the street is under construction. So it all could be a dream,


A mental problem? A hint towards what is communicated in film, which is a realm somewhere between dream and reality? Some real, some unreal - uncanny stuff.

Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride



I'll take it a step further and say I don't think she contracted HIV by accident. She may have been at the party!


She was at the party! She has the same hair as the girl that offered to redeem him.
