MovieChat Forums > Eyes Wide Shut (1999) Discussion > Nick Nightingale AND the barista ?!

Nick Nightingale AND the barista ?!

Bill goes in next door to Gillespie's where the girl working says she knows Nick.
THen proceeds to give Bill the address of his hotel.....?

I'm wondering if sleazeball Nick was tappin that girl cause how else did she know this intimate detail?



Lol. Good point. I also think its odd, Nick was flown in from Seattle to play piano at this little jazz club as well as for the secret society. Like they were flying him in to stay at a hotel, to play for them at a couple of parties. Don´t they have piano players in NYC? I always found this detail extremely odd whenever I watched it. I guess Nick must have been a helluva piano player.


There is definitely something so sketch about Nick.. you get the feeling he yadda-yaddas a lot of details when he spoke to Bill.

I feel like he was, actually, pretty talented if Ziegler recommended the "cocksucker to those people" ..
It could be however that he was moving a lot so he could be fairly disposable without a lot of fans knowing about it. If you hire someone local.. they might already be a liability for the secret gang.


Yeah I guess them wanting an "out-of-towner" is a feasible explanation.


Nick for me is the equivalent to Ullman in the Shining. They are sketched as good guys and nothing on screen disputes that, but there is something about them that makes you wonder. Like they are the evil Gatekeepers luring the main character to their doom.

The way Nicks lit in the sonata with his little eyes and that little goaty even looks little Devlish
