MovieChat Forums > Eyes Wide Shut (1999) Discussion > so many spelling errors!

so many spelling errors!

when william gets the letter at the gate, there are so many improper comma placements. when he later reads the newspaper headline, it reads "Ex-beauty queen at hotel drugs overdose". shouldn't it be "drug overdoses"? dont get it. not to mention, that is the worst news story headline ever written. "Ex-beauty queen overdoses at hotel" would be more grammatically correct.


The headline reads 'Ex-beauty queen in hotel drugs overdose'. There are no spelling errors. And while it's not strictly grammatical, it's typical of a newspaper headline, which often sacrifice grammar to squeeze more information into a smaller space.

What might be confusing you is 'drugs overdose'. This is British English. Americans say 'drug overdose'. British say 'drugs overdose'. Or rather, the British used to say 'drugs overdose'. You'd be far more likely to hear 'drug overdose' used in Britain these days, probably thanks to American influence.

The film being set in America, but made in the UK with a largely British crew and Kubrick having lived here for so long - it is quite likely this is just a small error that slipped through, although it also may be intentional to draw attention to the artifice, the dreamlike unreality of the film.


Gotta say, your writing leaves a lot to be desired.....


yes but the whole movie is arguably a dream.
can't spell in your dreams.

also.. those errors might be on purpose by Kubrick for the ppl pausing the video.
; )


There are literally ZERO comma mistakes in that letter. In fact, when I watched the movie last night, I was thrilled to see the writing on that letter, because it was so proper! As it should be, and as you should expect from that crowd who wrote it.
