MovieChat Forums > Eyes Wide Shut (1999) Discussion > Do you think they treated Tom Cruise's c...

Do you think they treated Tom Cruise's character unfairly in that "Sex orgy black mass party"?

Giving him threats, uninviting him, writing him a letter asking him to stop making inquiries etc.

And was that hooker character there murdered or did she OD? And who put that mask besides Nicole Kidman's character near her bed at the end?

But more importantly, at that black mass sex orgy, were those people correct to treat Tom Cruise's character the way they did or were they morally wrong, thanks.


I personally feel like when he was asked to remove his clothes, it was some kind of test, if he had agreed to participate in whatever ritual it was, they might have included him in the group but he hesitated thus ending his "chances" at joining.


We’re dealing with an extremely powerful cult of elites who routinely use murder and intimidation when they’re not engaging in twisted black mass ceremonies and depraved sexual theatre - they’re operating under a moral paradigm in which your idea of ‘unfair’ has little to no meaning.

It’s deliberately opaque as to whether the stripper OD’d or was killed, she certainly doesn’t appear to be the woman who ‘redeemed’ Bill, which makes it even more confusing.

I’ve always assumed the mask was placed on the pillow by Alice, as a way of saying ‘you’ve got some explaining to do in the morning, hub’. It’s possible that the cult placed it there as a way of saying ‘we can get to your family’ but that’s less likely.


Huge parties like this would require the hiring of a lot of normies. Non cult members slipping in would happen all the time. They were definitely being unduly cruel to Tom's character for sneaking in.


Why do you think it's black mass?


Maybe they like to keep themselves anonymous to protect themselves from prudish and embarrassing sentiments from outside parties because they like to engage in frequent casual sex acts, somehow?


Ziegler was one of them though, and he seemed to have no problem with Bill knowing about his adultery with prostitutes.
