What if the Fellowship stayed together?

So lets say in Moria they cross the bridge and the Bal Rog never shows, so Gandalf stays with the fellowship and lets say Boromir never attempted to take the ring from Frodo. Would the fellowship be able to make it to Mordor? Or would there just be too many obstacles on the way to where they wouldn't make it alive?

Always wondered how it would of gone if the Fellowship stayed together.


Well, my understanding is that these films essentially just followed Tolkien’s works, but had the story been written differently… well, I guess the sky’s the limit to the sort of conclusion one could imagine. Perhaps it could have even had a climax reminiscent of the prologue battle from ages past with Human’s, Elves and so forth facing off in Mordor against Nazgul, Orcs, & led by a giant armored Sauron (instead of just an eye) after having briefly regained the ring. I don’t like the idea at all, but it’s an easy course to envision for a finale.

The fellowship couldn’t have effectively snuck in to Mordor, and I can’t imagine them all using Golem as a guide. That was a Hobbit’s character expedition, based on their attributes similar to Bilbo being the “burglar.” Either way, it’s fit those three, Frodo, Sam, and Golem (Smeagol) and I can’t imagine a more satisfying execution than what was presented. I didn’t want the fellowship to stay together. They served their purpose to forge an alliance of “good versus evil” but it was better to spin them off on their disparate storylines. I didn’t even want the other two hobbits, Took and whatever his buddy was called who I forgot, to remain with Frodo & Sam. They worked better on their own as comic relief with the Ents and so forth.

Since you brought it up, what are your ideas? The fellowship to storm the main gates? Gandalf to remain the same instead of being elevated as a wizard-deity type? I think the story is perfection as is.


Good response....Yea I don't think they would of made it. Look at Return of the King. Frodo and Sam had to dress up as Orcs to get by. After re watching the movie I realized that Sauron can feel and sense the ring so he or Saurman always send orcs that way. The closer the fellowship got then the more dangerous it would of been. I feel like they would of eventually been super ambushed


Perhaps it could have even had a climax reminiscent of the prologue battle from ages past with Human’s, Elves and so forth facing off in Mordor against Nazgul, Orcs, & led by a giant armored Sauron (instead of just an eye) after having briefly regained the ring.

The Elves wouldn't have come. They were done with Middle-earth and peacing out to Aman, the Undying Lands. Also, the idea of Sauron leading his troops into battle goes against his character. Despite what the prologue of this movie shows, book Sauron never does battle until it's absolutely necessary. During the siege of Mordor during the Last Alliance, Sauron cowardly stayed locked up in Barad-dûr and didn't come out until all his troops were dead.
