So underrated!

I know there's many topics like this but this is such an underrated movie. Is it because it's a religious movie people don't consider it one of the best animated movies ever? Only a few cartoon movies can even be compared with this masterpiece.


his is definitely one of my favorite animated films. Very underrated in my opinion.

"My precious"-Gollum


Well, do not see it as a religious movie. but as a GREAT story with a morale?

..or don't;-P


That's probably one of the main reasons. I believe another (this was brought up in a different thread I think), is because DreamWorks simply doesn't market this film well enough... or their other 2-D films for that matter. I don't think any of them are on blu-ray (as well as some of their older 3-D stuff). I hope they do something for its upcoming 20th anniversary, or at least its 25th.

In this volatile PC western society today, I can understand the hesitation to promote or even mention anything remotely religious ("religious" referring to any of the Abrahamic religions). But it's a shame and a waste though--I've never seen a film so widely acclaimed by both believer and non-believer, and everyone in between. (Not to mention meeting the approval of hundreds of scholars from all three religions that believe in the exodus--I mean that's huge.)


How about the fact that it's on the better side of 20 years old? I love this movie, it's one of my all time favorites, but we live in an age where people want new stuff


I think it's because the film is pushing 20 years old. People nowadays want more more more. Kids don't appreciate any of the old stuff anymore


I agree. This is my favorite animated movie.


I don't think it's because of its overt Christian themes. Critics raved about it and audiences flocked to it. Even now, it has a huge following and if mentioned by news articles or Youtube personalities, they're like "yeah that was a good movie".
I think it's just overlooked because a few years after its release Dreamworks became the Shrek company and patterned itself as the 'anti-Disney' animation studio which they ran that into the ground.
I wish they went back to more ambitious movies like this though. I think audiences want something new and Disney isn't really in a position to offer something "new" apart from Marvel movies.


I agree.
It is actually praised by most people who talk about it, so I can't call it underrated.


Plus Cynthia Erivo did a rendition of the WH song four yeas ago during the pandemic.


Still holds up...
