My theory on Glen...

I think at one time or another, he used to be a nice guy. We see how Glen interacts with Julia at the beginning of the movie when he buys her roses and airplane tickets. He sees the disappointed look on Julia's face when he suggests getting married in Vegas and says that they will get married in Richfield instead. Glen was probably struggling before he made his money and was attracted to nice girls like Julia. I think after he got a job on Wall Street and became rich. girls started noticing him and he loved all the attention and eventually became a player. I was baffled at first as to why Julia would go for guys like Glen but this is probably how Glen was at first; just a simple kind hearted man that wanted to be monogamous with one girl. Your thoughts?


I can see that, and maybe one of those dudes who always theorized that he would have to "settle" for a "less attractive" girlfriend until he could raise his standing somehow. Dudes like that suck, hahaha


...."plus she was with me before I made my money, so I know I can trust her"..

I think it's funny how he expects trust or even questions Julia's loyalty when she is like a pure soul, but it's alright for him to do whatever. Such a slimeball, but was well portrayed in the movie. I forgot the actor's name who played him.


I think it's funny how he expects trust or even questions Julia's loyalty when she is like a pure soul, but it's alright for him to do whatever. Such a slimeball, but was well portrayed in the movie. I forgot the actor's name who played him.

That's how sleazebags, male or female, are. I have never met a cheater who would be okay if their significant other cheated. Petty hypocritical.


Nah. I'm not buying it. Glenn was too "alpha" to ever have been anything less. He doesn;t care about Julia. Never did. He doesn;t even tell her what she wants to hear. He tells her whatever will shut her up.

I donโ€™t need you to tell me how good my coffee is.๎‚›. ๎€๎‚ฌ


Maybe he was nice at one time, but when he beings the roses and airline tickets, then gives in to Julia's desire to get married in town, he says, "It's more important to you, anyway." At that moment we know he's a jerk.
