MovieChat Forums > The Wedding Singer (1998) Discussion > I got the feeling Glen didn't like Holly...

I got the feeling Glen didn't like Holly too much

The scene when they were talking about Julia kissing Robbie, they didn't want Glen to know Julia was the one who kissed Robbie so Holly said she kissed him and then Glen said "who hasn't?" he seemed to hate her for some reason? I thought he liked easy women?


He was just being a jerk, but it was pretty funny line.

The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.


Part of it might be that he could tell she didn't really like him.

Also he is a complete jerk who believes his money entitles him to do and say whatever he wants. Why else would he find it acceptable to say something like that to his fiance's cousin/roommate?


He didn't like her because he couldn't get into her pants.


I agree teachnsurf, I bet he was sexually frustrated because he couldn't have sex with her.


I don't think he hated her, but perhaps didn't respect her very much because she was 'easy'. The way he said "Who hasn't?" was almost disdainful, like what else would anyone expect. Which she was, let's face it. She told Robbie straight out he was going to get laid if he went upstairs with her. Maybe Glenn's lack of respect for her was partly due to her being off-limits. He'd surely want to hit on her, because she was a hottie, but couldn't being Julia's sister.

If I'm correct about the lack of respect it just highlights the difference between how men and women are viewed. Glenn can go out and pick up all the chicks he wants (cheating on Julia at the same time) and he's a stud. Any woman who does the same, well...

When I said I wanted to be a comedian, they all laughed at me. Well, they're not laughing now!


If I'm correct about the lack of respect it just highlights the difference between how men and women are viewed. Glenn can go out and pick up all the chicks he wants (cheating on Julia at the same time) and he's a stud. Any woman who does the same, well...


also Holly was Julia's cousin not sister.


I don't think he really wanted to get into her pants. I think like someone else said that he could tell that Holly didn't really approve of him. She could tell that Glen was a jerk, and that made him annoyed.

Also, Holly may have been slutty, but she was smart, you have to admit. Glen probably didn't really go for or want a smart girl.


Plus, I think Glen felt like Julia is the sort of girl you marry. She would keep a nice home, cook you dinner, take care of you. She wasn't interested in going out and hooking up with other people. She's the good girl.


Plus, I think Glen felt like Julia is the sort of girl you marry. She would keep a nice home, cook you dinner, take care of you. She wasn't interested in going out and hooking up with other people. She's the good girl.

Exactly. Well-said.

I don't think Glen much cared for Julia, even. But she wasn't the type to steal his money or cheat or leave.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


True! She would be the loyal, faithful wife waiting at home, not asking any questions when he's late all the time. What a tool! Like Billy Idol said, he doesn't deserve her!
