would it be completely wrong

For a someone to do a complete reboot of these 3 episodes? Or is that just me wishing ?


You're definitely not alone.

I personally feel that with Disney's takeover, these 3 prequel movies should be scrapped and thrown into the Legends pile, and that they should be rewritten, reshot, and refilmed. This would be extremely disrespectful to George Lucas, except, he disrespected fans of the Classic Trilogy by making the Prequel Trilogy loaded with plot holes and horrendous dialogue, when he could have had other people directing his films--he just needed to write them a good story to direct.

The key is a great story that is original, not a rehash of the classic trilogy, and having actors and actresses deliver brilliant dialogue without it feeling cheesy, rushed, or just bad.

No Gungans, no Naboo, no Trade Federation, no taxation of trade routes, no inconsisten pod racing, no yippee, no woah, no wow, no cool, no Anakin building C-3PO, no Anakin as a little kid--but starting as 18 years old, like Luke, no Padme being 10 years older than Anakin...

Anakin being portrayed as an excellent Starfighter Pilot as repeated by Obi-Wan in IV and VI, a true friend, a good friend, not sarcastic and demeaning, not a Jedi Master--he was never a Jedi Master.

Palpatine instead, rising to power through his own ambitions, not because he orchestrated and manipulated every. single. plotline. in the prequel trilogy, including Anakin's birth...

One day, Anakin's rise to Darth Vader will be rewritten and redone, maybe by Disney, maybe by someone else, but there are always reboots and remakes, it could take 20 years, it could take 50, one day.


I agree 95%. xD

The relationship between Anakin and Padme was just plain awkward. Definitely start him out at least as a teen, not a happy little kid.

Trade and pod racing weren't necessarily bad, but they could have been handled better.

Palpatine orchestrating most things was interesting, although a bit overdone.
