it's not that bad of a movie!

There were a few things I did like about this movie. I liked the pod race. The fighting scenes were pretty good-the fight between Obi Wan and Darth Maul was pretty cool. Obi Wan was alright. Qui Gon was just there, really didn't have anything interesting to say or anything I cared to know. Anakin just really didn't do it for me. Jar Jar was like the worst think ever on screen! Other than that, the film was... ok. Not great, not bad.


I think people hate on it, mostly because it's the cool thing to do. Just to warn you though, going on this board and giving any sort of praise to Phantom Menace is inviting trolls to say "if you like it, you're stupid", blah blah

Insert clever signature here


Yeah, I mean, it can't be that there are legitimate criticisms to be leveled at the movie! That's impossible! 

Seriously, take some time out and watch the Plinkett reviews on YouTube. Best breakdowns of why the prequels are inferior movies.


take some time out and watch the Plinkett reviews on YouTube. Best breakdowns of why the prequels are inferior movies

those are the trashiest, most hate filled, pointless reviews ever put to video. avoid them if you respect your brain. unless you enjoy rape jokes and fake interviews.

"He's dusted, busted and disgusted, but he's ok"


Sure, the humour isn't for anyone. But in terms of breaking down the story and characters, and even filming techniques in the ROTS review, they're spot on. But let me guess, since they dare to suggest George isn't a complete genius and that the prequels aren't good, they should be disregarded, right? 


They are pretty funny even if off occasionally but those fake interviews are so obviously staged its cringeworthy


I prefer to do my own thinking, sorry.


Seriously, take some time out and watch the Plinkett reviews on YouTube. Best breakdowns of why the prequels are inferior movies.
They apply a myriad of variables to give the illusion of plot holes and nonsensical character actions.

"Have to say, Jimmy - you turned into a real impressive fighter. If I was ol' Mengsk, I'd be runnin' scared from you, too."
"You really mean that, Tychus?"
"Nah. I was just kiddin'."


Yeah, or more accurately he pinpoints actual plot holes and illogical character actions.


I thought it was pretty bad myself. And i'm not one of those people who's a Star Wars fanatic in love with the original trilogy and automatically prejudiced against the prequels. I only saw the Star Wars movies for the first time over the last few weeks and had no preconceived opinions towards either the original trilogy or the prequels. I liked the original trilogy, didn't LOVE it the way hardcore Star Wars fans do but I thought it was pretty cool and entertaining. Having said all that, I feel that objectively the prequels are pretty lousy. Episode I wasn't the worst though; Episode II was. I did like Liam Neeson, but only because he's Liam Neeson; he didn't really do much. Obi Wan was dull as a chalkboard (though he improved in II and III). I don't know who was smoking what when they came up with Jar Jar Binks but that had to be one of the worst decisions in filmmaking history. The whole story I felt was poorly thought out and poorly written, and the dialogue was lousy and sometimes cringeworthy (though not as much as it would become in Episode II). I gave Phantom Menace 5/10 on imdb. Not the worst movie ever made, but definitely not good. Just "meh".


Feel the same way. It's not aware winning film by any means, but I enjoyed it as a little, yet flawed, Star Wars story.



I've seen all three prequels, and I have my own opinion of them. They're not bad, they're dreadful.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.


Jar Jar was great.

He was ruined in the 2nd one though. The Jar jar I know would threw poop in palpatine's face.
