Darth Maul just oozes badass...

I mean seriously. Out of all the villains who have come and gone. Who looks or acts as badass as him? He took on TWO Jedi and managed to kill one of them. The scene where they open the door. And he is just standing there somewhat staring at the ground and removes his hooded cloak gets me every time

Pure badass..


he had a more dignifie end than bobba fette


And Maul killing Qui-Gon impacted the story more than anything Boba Fett did.


Boba Fett tracking the Falcon to Cloud City and alerting Vader didn't impact that story?

Meanwhile, despite his lengthy fight, the way Maul dies is just about as pathetic, if not more so, than Fett's death. He stands there and stares as Obi-Wan floats up and over him while grabbing a lightsaber.

His look is badass. That's about all he has going for him in TPM. Credit to the crew on Clone Wars and Rebels for taking such a nothing of a character and actually giving him a personality and interesting motivation...after the fact.

And sorry, how did Qui-Gon's death impact things? Supposedly Vader turning evil and killing the Jedi is necessary for the prophecy George shoved into the prequels to be fulfilled.


Yes, his death was a little...well, bad. But besides that. He had no fear. And as i alluded to. He was fighting 2 Jedi at once and killed one of them. Thus taking the man who was supposed to train anakin in the Jedi arts out of the picture. Could things have been a bit different without qui gons death? I am a deep thinker but. I am not thinking deep here.. Just going by what i see. And what i saw was Darth Maul as a TOTAL badass.


He only kills one of them when they get separated (speaking of, why didn't Obi-Wan use his Jedi speed to get there? Not like he didn't have a moment to rest when those energy shields were up).

Yes, Maul does a lot of flips and snarls. It takes more in my eyes to be a "badass," and dying in such a laughable manner counts for major points against him.


He looked really cool. I wish he had stuck around longer
