Mcgregor miscast

I love Star Wars I really do, but one of the things that annoys me most, nearly as much as that jar jar clown, is Ewan mcgregor, I think he's one of the most miscast roles ever. He's so wooden and robotic and I've never bought him as obi wan.


I disagree, i think he did the best he could with the material. the problem was the movie didn't concentrate on his character as maybe it should have. I mean, we all heard Obi-Wan's story in ANH, and that was the foundation for the story we were expecting. While the over arching story was about Anakin/Vader, the trilogy should have been about Obi-Wan.

"He's dusted, busted and disgusted, but he's ok"


I disagree, i think he did the best he could with the material. the problem was the movie didn't concentrate on his character as maybe it should have. I mean, we all heard Obi-Wan's story in ANH, and that was the foundation for the story we were expecting. While the over arching story was about Anakin/Vader, the trilogy should have been about Obi-Wan.

Yeah, I always felt one of the flaws of the prequels, especially TPM, is that it didn't do enough to introduce us to the young Obi-Wan Kenobi and/or his relationship with the pre-Vader Anakin Skywalker. Qui-Gon Jinn pretty much usurps Obi-Wan's role in TPM and we never get to see Obi-Wan and Anakin bond, which undermines the tension in AOTC and ROTS.

I get that Lucas wanted to bring back the "old hero/mentor passes the torch to the younger hero" trope but his execution was off. Even if he had to have Qui-Gon there, and Liam Neeson is one of the better aspects of TPM, he should have at least split it 50/50 by playing up a family unit dynamic - if Qui-Gon was meant to be "Dad" in Anakin's eyes then Obi-Wan should have taken the "Big Brother" role with scenes of him chilling with Anakin.


if Qui-Gon was meant to be "Dad" in Anakin's eyes then Obi-Wan should have taken the "Big Brother" role with scenes of him chilling with Anakin.

That would have been a nice touch.


I don´t consider Mc Gregor to be that great an actor in first place. But secondly the lines he were given were pretty much impossible; and thirdly he had to deal with an even more unsurmountable problem, called Alec Guiness.


And fourth, George Lucas is widely regarded as the worst actors' director alive! (No, I was wrong, he's worse with actors than most of the dead directors.)

The only people who ever give half-decent performances in George Lucas films are old pros who don't need any direction, like Ian McDiarmid and Alec Guiness himself. McGregor was still quite young when he made these movies, I thought he did well enough considering everything he had to work against. Certainly he was waaay better than the young leads, and that clueless child from the first film.

“Seventy-seven courses and a regicide, never a wedding like it!


it doesn't seem fair that you bemoan how McGregor had to work hard, but don't cut the same slack for young Jake Lloyd.

"He's dusted, busted and disgusted, but he's ok"


What "blame"?

The kid had never acted before, had no clue what to do, and Lucas couldn't have been any help. The child isn't to blame for his terrible performance, Lucas is

“Seventy-seven courses and a regicide, never a wedding like it!


What "blame"?

The kid had never acted before, had no clue what to do, and Lucas couldn't have been any help. The child isn't to blame for his terrible performance, Lucas is

Jake Lloyd's filmography -


Wtf ? Its the only thing about the wretched prequels that doesnt make me puke !


HUH? He was the best thing about the PT

Portman, Hayden, Jackson and Jimmy were far more wooden. I blame the writing and directing


Man, I've been waiting for someone, anyone else to agree with me on this! I think McGregor was borderline awful in the prequels. He was certainly stiff and useless in this movie. Even in the next 2 movies, I think they gave him some stupid dialogue and he sounded ridiculous and he was smiling half the freakin time in ROTS.
