Jar jar Sith Lord

Apparently he was meant to be ? I've never read the whole theory but why else does he mouth actors lines sometimes? It happens with real actors cuz they memorize everyone's lines (see will Smith in the first season of fresh Prince ) but he's entirely cgi. What gives?


If true, I'd really like to know what Lucas planned to do with the character in the next two films. Was he supposed to do what Dooku and/or Grevious ended up doing?

“Seventy-seven courses and a regicide, never a wedding like it!



Read the whole theory. Its pretty cool, whether or not it was the actual intention of Lucas.

Jar Jar mouthing lines was one of the things that really convinced me. It was certainly intentional, since he was a CGI character.


I think that the idea should be recycled for another character in a great star wars movie

The reason is because the premise.

"Fan loved alien is really a a-hole this whole time" would have been groan inducing if it was given to jar jar. Jar jar just won't work and making him a sith would have come across as doubling down on the things people hated about phantom menace


"Apparently he was meant to be ?"


"I've never read the whole theory"

Do so : it's very well done and very funny. I totally recommend it.

"What gives?"

Nothing: it's just a funny theory.


The what gives was as to why he was mouthing certain lines
