MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) Discussion > The Phantom Menace is about as goofy ......

The Phantom Menace is about as goofy ....

as it gets. Jar Jar Binks? Really? Its so far off the spectrum of the first three movies that this one is laughable.


Well lucas wanted to make a kids film an in his defensive this shouldnt be judged as a family star wars movie like the rest this is made strictly for kids to judge this movie fair you have to judge it as a small childs movie an with that said its passable its the worst film in the franchise lol its not a total loss but its a weak film that as a star wars childrens film it is passable .Now attack of the clones is ok the action is good but the story is under developed an way to much cgi not a horrible film an worth a watch but not something thats going to blow you away last revenge of the sith this is the only good prequel not great but good suffers from again to much cgi an weak acting the acting in the originals wasnt mind blowing but they had charm here its mostly gone but this is a good movie because of the dark tone an the action


this is supposed to be a space adventure, not 'the dark knight rises' or '2001 a space odyssey'. and if you think it's goofy, then may i say 'Yub Nub' to you.

"He's dusted, busted and disgusted, but he's ok"


Jar jar is worse than any of the ewoks

The ewoks at least only appeared for like about the third act


In retrospect ROTJ was pretty bad. Princess Leia is getting her hair braided by teddies when she should have been helping her friends disable the shield???? Failure to do so meant the deaths of thousands of rebels... that wasn't Princess Leia as was written in the two earlier films. Meanwhile Han is reduced to a comedy role, and the cinematography is pretty horrid as well.


The cinematography and the visuals had real depth and detail

The story of phantom menace would always be worse than twilight

Twilight has a story as does return of the jedi

This film has nothing


One of the worst characters ever. The first three films had plenty of cheesiness and comedy, but Jar Jar is an outright cartoon.



Jar Jar helps give the film some levity from the heavy handed political scenes, I often wonder how Episode 2 and 3 would have turned out if Episode 1 was more well received.


The same just more jar jar


Jar Jar was the key to all of this.


C-3PO was meant to be and actually was pretty goofy in the OT.


I have tried and tried, but I cannot like this film... Had it on again today - the pod race, I guess - and C-3PO - are OK... Liam Neeson and annoying Jingle All The Way kid? That kid annoys on screen... And Natalie Portman looks like she needs to have that pout punched off her face (what's up with the play on hair? Oh yeah, Princess Leia bun) I am recalling a better time when we rode our bikes to see Star Wars for the 27th time and Red Vines at Save-On were 79 cents- RIP Princess


They went really light with the first movie and the two that followed gradually became darker as opposed to the OT starting off light, went darker, and then tried being dark and light which didn't work.
