Does anyone actually believe ...

... the theory going around that Lucas's grand plan was to have Jar Jar Binks as the ultimate villain of the story - manipulating everything from the background? And that he was so shaken by the negative reaction to the character that he changed it?

If it is true, then it only reinforces the idea that he had NFI.


i don't subscribe to it myself, but the evidence presented is enough to make you question things. I do know Lucas likes the 'twist' scenario, like Vader and Luke's famous exchange, so perhaps he was setting something like that up?

"He's dusted, busted and disgusted, but he's ok"


Not a chance.

The Empire despised aliens, along with Palpatine, if Jar Jar really was the one pulling the strings in the background, and the one above Palpatine, there's no way Palpatine would have obeyed his orders.


I'm not disagreeing with you, but Darth Plagueis was a Muun.
Actually- this is a big goof in Star Wars, why does the Empire hate aliens when, you know, all these aliens are so good at their jobs. Why not use Gungans or Quarrel for underwater combat. Not terribly well thought out in my opinion.
(But you're probably right, I doubt Jar Jar was a bad guy).


You know, Jews are good at their jobs, cant imagine anyone ever hating them


No, definitely not.

But he certainly set a lot of things in motion that we'd never have seen otherwise. So indirectly, he is the ultimate villain.
