Can Rey be Anakin's mother?

Daisy Ridley looks like a 20s version of Pernilla August. So indeed, she could pass for Shmi if indeed they did decide to go that route. Not only do they have similar hair color and skin color, they are also built very similar, thin women with a long neck and an oval shaped face. Lastly they even have similar accents.

The second supporting evidence is their strong family orientation. Shmi Skywalker is a doting, devoted mother who encourges her son and is even willibg to sacrifice her own sanity if it means her son can do the things he loves, like podracing. She also seems to have fully embraced her new family, and make sure that her husband and stepson know about their stepson and stepbrother. We know this because both Cliegg and Owen weren't surprised that this kid walks up claiming to be Shmi's natural-born child (as natural as a Force conception can be).

Rey's single driving force is to have a family. She stays on Jakku, refusing to leave despite her piloting skills because of the very slim and remote possibility that her parents will return. This singular focus leads her to automatically view Han Solo, a complete stranger, as a father figure almost immediately. Her face and eyes show clearly how hopeful she is when she approached Luke Skywalker and hands him Anakin's lightsaber that he will basically psuedo-adopt her, having a father-daughter style relationship. Her decision to race off to save Kylo comes from this same desire, believing that he will fill that void she wishes filled by a family member, even if she needs to adopt them.

They have both lived on a desert planet. Shmi lived on Tatooine, a harsh planet with dangerous characters.

Rey lived on Jakku, which is even poorer than Tatooine. A planet that is also littered with the remnants of war.

The last point I think that would work towards this is the strong core value of serving others. Shmi's known to constantly state that “the biggest problem” is that no one helps each other. An argument that Anakin makes that crumbles any oppossession to Anakin racing during Boonta Eve Race. She even accepts a squad of strangers that Anakin brings into her home without question.

Rey also is willing to help those in need without thought of reward. She's even willing to give up financial gain if she can help others.

All those would argue that if they decided to send her back in time, she could easily slide into Shmi's role.


The sandpeople never would have been able to capture and torture her.


Funny thing, all the female leads look rather alike, and similar to Shmi. Brown eyes and straight brown hair, slim, pretty. And quite short, except for Rey.

Okay, there should be a familial resemblance between Shmi and Leia, and Anakin is the kind of creep who'd fall for someone who looks like his mother. I'd say that Rey's resemblance to Shmi, Leia, and Padme is coincidental, but since they wanted to make a big mystery out of her parentage, they picked an actress who looks like she could be related to Leia. And Han.
