MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) Discussion > How could Anakin / Shmi afford the build...

How could Anakin / Shmi afford the build your own C-3PO installments?

Since we see the TC-14 model on da Trade Federation ship, I'm working on the assumption that tiny, little Anakin did not build a droid that looks almost identical by some incredible chance.

My thoughts are that the C-3PO must have been an earlier and now largely worthless design and that it was now available via one of these magazines you see down the newsagents, in this case "Build Your Own C-3PO". For just 1,000 weekly installments, first edition 1.99 credits (then in very small writing, each subsequent edition 9.99 credits) you too can own your very own C-3PO.

It's great that Anakin / Shmi managed to keep up with the payments but I thought they were very poor slaves? Did Shmi have to do something very bad so the boy could get his weekly C-3PO pieces?



A used part here, a used part there, put them together and you have your own personal C-3PO.


I have to assume that Anakin found the necessary languages-and-protocol database in some scrap and made the rest out of other bits of scrap, because WTF did that kid know? He didnt even go to school!

Seriously, I thought it was a HUGE mistake to show 3PO on Tattooine, or as being built that way. He should have been introduced as part of Padme's court, because that's where a languages-and-protocol droid would actually be needed.


Good point!!!


If you had watched The Clone Wars, that's exactly where C-3PO ended up. He accompanied Anakin to Coruscant and stayed there during that war.


That makes sense, I only saw bits and pieces of "Clone Wars".

But I really thought that 3PO should have been on Naboo, and should have been left behind when the queen escaped. That way, he could have had hysterics when the Federation took over, and added a moment of comic relief when he joined the battle to free Naboo. And he could have been part of Padme's entourege from then on.


Anakin was the junk yard dealer's slave. He pretty much grew up around all those parts and pieces. I don't think Shmi was doing the special favors. Have you ever heard of Cabin Boys?


he literally worked at a scrap yard.....

droids worked like cars now. you couldn't outfit a c3 unit with R2 parts, but you could fit to some extent older parts with varying generations.

maybe some merchant or person flew to Tatooine. his translator and protocol droid broke and it was an easy fix but ended up at the scrapyard. who knows


he literally worked at a scrap yard.....

droids worked like cars now. you couldn't outfit a c3 unit with R2 parts, but you could fit to some extent older parts with varying generations.

maybe some merchant or person flew to Tatooine. his translator and protocol droid broke and it was an easy fix but ended up at the scrapyard. who knows
