MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) Discussion > does anyone still believe the Jar Jar si...

does anyone still believe the Jar Jar sith lord theory?

It was really popular right around the time The Force Awakens was about to come out. Since then, I've hardly heard anyone bring it up.

Personally, I've never bought into it. The evidence to me always seemed scant and vague at best. Any time someone brings up something that might possibly support it, someone else can bring something up that debunks said point. The most ridiculous part was the idea that Supreme Chancellor Snoke was going to be revealed to be Jar Jar all along. Did anyone really think Disney was gonna take such a gamble by bringing back one of the most hated characters in all of cinema and turn him into the focal point of their new trilogy?

Does anyone here still believe it? Personally, I don't think anyone ever really bought into it. It always seemed like just empty wish-fulfillment to me on the fans' part.

Any thoughts?



I never thought anyone actually believed it. Always seemed like a joke to me.


Nah, was just an intriguing joke.

In a massive response to fan criticism of the most annoying Star Wars character of all time, George had Jar Jar sidelined brutally in Episode 2 and 3, and never mentioned again until we heard the "weesa free" at the end of Return of the Jedi Blu Ray Edition.

I thought JJ would roll him out for the sequel trilogy as a minor side character, but no go.


No, but I really wish that Forest Whitaker was mo-capping a battle damaged Jar Jar Binks in Rogue One!


lol i'm not sure anybody bought into it for reals. But the evidence for the conspiracy was pretty overwhelming. Now something I would be open to is some additional backstory about JarJar that fits much the same bill. But I really liked what George himself said about him way back in the day. Every epic hero's journey involves a fool. And he's right. You need a fool character. That chaotic element where fate itself may set things in motion and alter events.


"But the evidence for the conspiracy was pretty overwhelming."

How so?


Jar Jar was initially going to be Darth Plagueis the Wise. They backed away from it after they saw the crowd reaction to how stupid the character was.


No proof of that whatsoever.


I still think it was more than just a joke. Too many coincidences for Jar Jar not to have been intended for a villainous outcome.

- Jar Jar is the only non-villain character designed by famous villain creator Terryl Whitlatch. Early designs reveal him to be stocky with red eyes. Whitlatch also sketched a drawing of an evil Gungan welding a red lightsaber, though it’s been unconfirmed if this was Jar Jar.

- Jar Jar mouthes the words of another person’s demands as they’re saying. In fact, this happens twice. On a third occasion, Jar Jar motions his hand similar to a Jedi using the force seconds before something crazy happens. Remember: Jar Jar is a CGI character and every pixel of him was created in a computer. The CGI team was directed by Lucas for Jar Jar to do those things.

- Way too many times does the film stop to acknowledge how odd Jar Jar is. The biggest one is when it cuts to C3PO for absolutely no reason just so he can say “you’re right, R2, something about that Jar Jar is very odd.” What’s the point of including that brief shot unless it were to build up something?

- In later films, Jar Jar causes the downfall of the Galactic Republic and the rise of the Sith by granting Palpatine full dictatorship control.


I’ve always thought Jar Jar was definitely supposed to play an important role in the PT but fan reaction made Lucas sideline him, I think the character of Count Dooku was meant to be Jar Jar, because they just introduce him out of nowhere.


Sure! I believe it!

And I believe that theory because it's fun to believe, and I lose nothing by doing so. Oh, and the serious, humorless Star Wars fanboy at work believes it... seriously. He said the actor who did Jar-Jar's motion capture confessed.
