Deepfake Leonardo DiSkywalker

Envisage what the prequels may have been without Hayden Christensen:-

No fan of DiCrapio but surely better than what we got...


There was chatter about him at the time, but I dont know if he was ever offered the role. I'm just as happy he wasn't, I never liked him as an actor, he's got this joyless aura that works well for dramas, but which wouldn't have worked for "Star Wars".

I don't blame Christiansen for his bad performance, I blame Lucas. George Lucas IS the worst actor's director who ever lived, he literally tells his actors nothing and just films whatever happens when the cameras roll, only the most experienced old pros can give a good performance with no help from the director! Nobody as inexperienced as Christiansen had a chance.


Leo could have played Obi-Wan as well :D Almost the same age as Ewan McGregor.


I've had a lot of respect for MacGregor since the prequels.

He survived the worst actor's director who ever lived! He was young, but he managed to make three films with Lucas without embarrassing himself! Even though he had to say "younglings"!!


I didn't say he was bad! He pulled it off great, I agree.
I'm just saying that Leo's "joyless aura" might have fitted Obi-Wan more than Anakin.


Welk, that's what was so tricky about playing Anakin. He had to be largely joyless, but without making the film itself joyless.

Which is not something a young actor is going to be able to pull off, with zero help from the director. I really dont blame Christiansen.


No sure about a joyless aura fitting with the PT Obi Wan we got - he's basically cracking jokes the whole way through!


Well he shouldn't be, his master died and his padawan turned to the darkside! :D


I know but he didn't let it stop him, look at AOTC:-
"Why do I get the feeling you're going to be the death of me!"

He desperately needed a laughter track added for after his lines 😂


Not sure about fully blaming Lucas for any performances. I know the criticised supposed lack of direction given but none of the OT trio did too badly despite this. You still have to... Act.

But talking of the old pros, Sir Alec is just magnificent in that scene with Luke in his homestead. I don't know if there was direction, or if it was specifically stated in the script, but his acting when giving the lie about Vader is brilliant. Also love his wry smile when Han is saying no force controlling his destiny. Again, whether there was any input there I don't know...


Carrie Fisher said that making the original film, Lucas gave her exactly one direction. The rest was just whatever she felt like doing, which explains why old pro Alec Guiness was fab, and Carrie had a fake British accent in some scenes and not in others.

And yet, I've always loved the performances in the originsl film, which worked in spite of Lucas. I think that was a triumph of casting, which didnt happen again in the prequels.
