MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) Discussion > the only thing really wrong with tpm is ...

the only thing really wrong with tpm is the pod race

i like the idea of the pod race but it stops the pace of the movie. if i skip it right at the start of the race and jump to the last moments of the race i enjoy the movie better.

maybe if it was toned down with less drama. shorter and sweeter. just to keep the movie moving along.


I agree it's a little long when watching the movie at home. It didn't bother me when watching in the theater where you really get the full effect of the scene.


I disagree completely! The pod race is without doubt the BEST thing about TPM. The pod race is awesome.




it's a great scene. i think a pod race was a brilliant idea and i'd watch it again right after I finish watching the movie skipping it during that run.


i think the best thing about tpm is that it's a sweeping adventure like the original star wars.


It reminded me of The Wacky Races with Dastardly and Muttley, lol.


haha that one guy even growls.


And the one alien that was (almost) sporting a twirly moustache.


i heard him yell mutley !


Im going to disagree. It had bad acting, a bad script, a bad story, too much style over substance and they killed off Darth Maul. He could have been a good driving force for Obi Wan, but they screwed that pooch.

The pod race wasn't the issue.


While i certainly disagree with your generic, blanket negative assessment, in particular I'm curious what you thought was bad about the story & the acting, apart from beating the dead horse of picking on a child actor or the deliberately over the top Jar Jar. All these years, I've yet to see even the most ardent prequel haters complain about the acting from the most prominent performances were that included Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Pernilla August, and Ian Mcdermott


Actually all of them sucked. Liam's Neeson was bland, Ewan McGregor just sat and complained, and Natalie Portman's awful queen voice was cringeworthy. George lucas isn't good at getting performances out of actors. The better performances in star wars were captured by other directors.

The trade embargo made no sense. These people lived on a lush planet. What exactly did they need to trade?
The armies were a threat to a population we never saw so there was no tension in the battles. Just countless robots getting killed by a cartoon.
The constant superhero BS for Jedi, like holding their breath for long periods, super fast running when the plot needs it, and the midiclorian reader BS. They could run super fast, but not when the three lightsaber fights were happening. The underwater breathers were really funny.
The actual deal for Aniken. Before the pod race, makes no sense.
The biggest mistake, getting rid of Darth Maul. It would have been better had he been an ongoing antagonist.

The movie is hot garbage. Sorry we disagree, but that's where we stand. The pod race was the least of the issues.


About what i expected. I find your criticisms as bland & generic as you think the acting was & your complaints about the story seem based entirely on your personal taste. Objectively the story tells a consistent & complete narrative unlike the incoherent, thrown together cash grab we got with Di$ney Wars. I'll never tell anyone they have to like or dislike something though


Actually, because of these movies, I never watched the Disney movies. These were so lame that it killed my interest in Star Wars altogether. What's even funnier is the fact that people are waxing nostalgic for them like they're a great set of movies.

IMO, they suck. So we disagree on that.


I didn't grow up with the originals but enjoyed them and as many others of my generation, with its overarching epic narrative & grand, colorful world building, the PT made me a bigger Star Wars fan & enhanced my appreciation of the OT. I always loved the PT & it makes sense that they're being appreciated more and more in the wake of this Di$ney trilogy trainwreck.


I'm glad you like em. It's just funny to see people try and make them seem better than they are. I see them today just as I did back in the 90's andxearly 2000's.




I'm sorry you didn't like them but the opposite is true in that people for years have been making them out to be far less than what they were.


i like the story. i think it could have been fixed in a lot of places but the basic story is fine to me.


The pod race does slow down the story as a whole, and that's the only thing really wrong with the movie.

Well, that and the clumsy dialogue, the flat characters, the nonsensical plotting, the hamfisted exposition, the awkward and underwritten political stuff, the poor set-up for the rest of the trilogy, the spotty acting, and the overuse of CGI.



well at least you agree on the first point.




I only liked seeing the jedi in their prime....young Obi-wan was well cast. Darth Maul was cool, the light saber battle at the end is probably my favorite of the entire franchise. They went overboard with it in Revenge of the was more believable in this film.

Jar-Jar and his clan were awful, the pod race bored me, too much time on Tatooine. Vader was miscast in all three prequels.
It was ok, but the Jedi/Sith scenes are all I find redeemable.


i can agree but the film has been getting better and better to me as i watch it more and forgive the flaws.



i agree about the designs. it continued with the tradition of the cool designs of the originals. the trade federation ships, the tanks going through the naboo woods, the gungan city, padme's ship, the droids all looked cool and have stood the test of time.


If I fast forward past every scene with Lil Annie and Jar Jar, then TPM ain't so bad. It still makes mistakes but it is serviceable. The pod race is ok but silly and, its biggest flaw, also has Lil Annie in it.

Fast forward through the other two movies entirely except for the assassination attempt, Yoda cartoony saber fight, and the Jango ship fight.

The prequels are really bad but if I was 7 when they came out, I'd have loved them too.


i jump and skip to my favorite parts, and sometimes start the films halfway through.

though the anakin actor's have grown on me, i watch the films for neeson, mcgregor, portman, palpatine and the star wars world.


Yeah, every time I've watched it, I always felt like the movie was suddenly put on hold, and I'm waiting and waiting in boredom during the podrace, wishing they'd hurry up and get back to the story; because honestly, the entire Tattooine chapter feels like an almost-pointless side-trip, whose sole purpose was to introduce kiddy Anakin Skywalker and show off his supposedly great piloting skills. When they finally leave, it feels like the movie's starting up again.


i agree. right after the podrace, when they are leaving tatooine, is usually where i start to watch the film if i chose to start from the middle, then after it's over, if i was enjoying it, i would then start at the beginning. i do enjoy some of the tatooine stuff but 'put on hold' is a good way of putting it when it comes to the race.
