

McGregor's performance is one of the few elements in the PT that is consistently good. But I wouldn't call it superior to Alec Guinness.


It's wierd that this is the one role where they genuinely got away with a recast.

They tried the same with Han Solo and everyone shrieked liked Disney had killed their dog, but everyone is fine with McGregor. Maybe that's because there was such a big age difference, maybe it's because McGregor is such a good actor.


McGregor is a much better actor than whoever played young Han Solo and they actually gave McGregors version of Obi Wan some depth


And he started out thirty years younger than the first actor who played Obi-Wan, which gave him a huge advantage over the guy who started out ten years younger than the guy who played the True Han.

And McGregor is good, he's SO good, he can do a good job while being directed by George Lucas! Who is well known as "the worst actor's director ever".


In Solo they were also so afraid to take any risks that young Han Solo didn’t really have an opportunity to do anything. Disney had this idea that if they just threw enough nostalgia bait at us that we would eat it up no matter what and they were wrong


In that movie, both the script and the actor were at fault, with the script taking the bulk of the blame. There was just nothing there, not much fun and zero character development, no opportunity for the poor schmuck who played Han to shine, not that it's clear he would have shone if given a chance.

I mean, the most interesting thing that happened in that sotry qas Qira's offscreen rise through the underworld, and the most interesting character was a left-wing robot. Such a wasted opportunity.


Not to mention the quadruple cross at the end (whatever the hell that was) and having Darth Maul at the end made absolutely no sense (Jabba the Hutt would have made sense)


I hated the appearance of Maul, couldn't they at least think of a new villain? I mean he was cool, but he's dead and if there are only two official Sith, his place was long since taken by the far cooler Vader.

Okay, here's an idea. At the end, have one of the guys wearing the costume of the Emperor's Honor Guard and have him say something like "... and the emperor will know [whatever]...", so you know that he's in service to the Sith and a high-level bad guy. Have him take off his helmet to reveal an actor with a very distinctive face, or distinctive makeup, like he's one of Maul's people but the stripes are a different color or pattern and the audience will know he's not Maul but he's some horrible villainous Imperial badass they want to know more about. But he (or she) is not Maul, because bringing Maul back would be lame.


There, five seconds of ruminating and I have a better idea than the one that ended up in the final script.
