Best Of The Prequels

I agree with Hello Greedo its more Grounded than The Previous too and it does share similarities like A New Hope & The Force Awakens


It's not a good movie, but is absolutely the best of it's trilogy. The effects in 2 and 3 are just awful, as are the lightsaber fights, and performances. This movie looks more realistic than the other two and isn't brought down by silly anticlimactic action sequences and awful chemistry between the two leads. Dooku was also an awful replacement for Maul and McDiarmid turns into a parody by the end of the trilogy. They never should have given him or Yoda a lightsaber.


effects are awful? like the OT had great effects and that light saber fight between Obi and Darth is laughable.


"OT had great effects"

Yes, yes they did.


lolz at stop motion animation.

1970's animation is not better than 1990's animation.


this movie was sick
