MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) Discussion > SPOILERS: How Qui-Gon Jinn Became The Fi...

SPOILERS: How Qui-Gon Jinn Became The First Force Ghost

Obi-Wan Kenobi ends with Liam Neeson reprising his role as Qui-Gon Jinn in the form of a Force ghost, and here's a breakdown of how that's possible.


The first force ghost we were introduced to was Kenobi in episode 5


Where the hell was he in episodes 2 and 3!? He could have been guiding Anakin all this time, but too busy spending his nights at the force ghost cantina. Geez even Obi-Wan showed up not too long after he kicked the bucket to help Luke in Empire. Qui-Gon became a lazy bum once he became a force ghost. Only showed up to party at the end of episode 6.


Both Lucas and Liam Neeson wanted to do a few scenes with Qui-Gon as a Force Ghost in Episodes 2 and 3, but the actor got injured in a motorcycle accident before Episode II was being shot, and they had to scrap that idea. By the time Episode 3 was being shot, Liam Neeson was unavailable because of other movie commitments.


Hold up, Qui-Gon Jinn was not the very first Force-wielder to ever become a Force Ghost. There are hundreds of Jedi and Sith who had done it going back 20,000 years before Episode I. He is just one of many. And not every Force-user becomes a ghost after they die. Only really powerful, well-trained Jedi or Sith can become Force-Ghosts, as well as having the sheer force of will to tie up unfinished business in the mortal plane. Most Jedi or Sith who die are not that strong, and will never come back.
