MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) Discussion > Liam Neeson Says ‘Star Wars’ Is Being Hu...

Liam Neeson Says ‘Star Wars’ Is Being Hurt by ‘So Many Spinoffs’: ‘It’s Taken Away the Mystery and the Magic’


phantom menace get worse with time. it is babys movie.


If the sequels didnt suck he might have a different viewpoint.


Yep. And so did the "prequels". They don't even exist to me in the Star Wars universe. The are a totally separate entity to me. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Same here.
I just think of them as dreams and nightmares Luke has which helps explain the plot holes.


I'm afraid until that bitch Kathleen Kennedy leaves Lucasfilm, nothing about the franchise is going to improve for Star Wars.


She needs to be fired but Bob Iger won't do the right thing because Kathleen Kennedy will try and play the victim and blame sexism if she were to be fired.


It's true. She's been in Hollyweird long enough to know where the bodies are buried, despite mostly being an upgraded go-fer. At the first sign she might be fired as CEO of Lucasfilm, she threatened to "burn the place down" on her way out, meaning she had blackmail material to keep her job.

So Iger found a different way of getting rid of her. He let her make her own rope to hang herself with bad Star Wars shows and losing money for the studio, building up evidence that she shouldn't be in charge of Lucasfilm, much less associated with Disney. He has also not renewed her contract beyond finishing that horrible Indy 5 film (he was absolutely livid when he saw the test screenings, and demanded a new ending be made).

They're also going to fake giving her a major awards ceremony for "Star Wars Celebration" and "celebrating" all her "achievements" in the past 40+ years with the company. They'll give her a severance package and awards, but once she's done with Indy 5 and the ceremony, she's out the door, never to return.

Chances are very high that the moment her ass is off the lot, things will finally be done to fix Star Wars.




Unless reviews say otherwise I expect Indy 5 to suck and I won't even hate watch it.


They did no less than 5 different possible endings during filming, all of them involving Indy dying and being replaced by Phoebe Waller Bridge as the adventurous archeologist, and none of them went over well with test audiences.


I like some things about Crystal Skull but to me Indy riding off into the sunset in the Last Crusade was the perfect ending to the series.


I would agree. I would also encourage you to read some of the novels they wrote about Indy in the 90s. Just like with Star Wars or Star Trek, Indiana has something of an EU of his own, though his is more limited. Some of the books are okay, others, not so great. You can tell which authors did a better job at capturing the essence and themes the Indiana Jones films. Don't read the comic of Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis; it sucked. I heard the Young Indiana Jones show from the 90s wasn't so bad, though it was cut short because the star died suddenly :( It might be worth watching, especially now.


"things will finally be done to fix Star Wars."

Seriously, WHO CARES? Star Wars was only ever meant to be SIX movies, Lucas said so himself, and Lucas IS the creator of Star Wars.


That’s how I feel about Star Trek. I loved Star Trek growing up in the 70s but have no interest in what it has become. They just churn it out.


I feel that way about most movies as they are series continuations, remakes, or sequels.


You don't like TNG, DS9, VOY and ENT? SHAME ON YOU!!!


Not sure we should take him seriously for two reasons.
1) He was in a lame spin off.
2) His name is lame and dumb sounding.
