Just came across here, I'm shocked the rating is so high!

I have literally never met someone who actually likes this movie. I am genuinely shocked that this is rated highr than a 5 on here.

Maybe it's the Star Wars name recognition... having it be a star wars movie boosts it I guess.

This has the absolute worst dialogue and even worse cgi for a $100 million movie.

The Anikan actor is so bad, it's not shocking he isn't in anything of late.

I just don't see how someone can sit through this entire movie and even think it's decent.

Cringe worthy, and embarrassing


I have literally never met someone who actually likes this movie.

Herd mentality will do that.

Maybe it's the Star Wars name recognition... having it be a star wars movie boosts it I guess.

Most people hate it because it is SW, not despite of it.

This has the absolute worst dialogue and even worse cgi for a $100 million movie.

Not even close. Every 100 million movie released in the last year are worse offenders.

The Anikan actor is so bad, it's not shocking he isn't in anything of late.

He plays the character as written to a T. You just don't like the character.

I just don't see how someone can sit through this entire movie and even think it's decent.

Great movie.


I appreciate your opinions on the movie.
That's the main issue I think, it's a terribly written and paced film.
Even a good actress like Natalie Portman comes of pretty bad with what she is having to say.
To that I'd say all the films dialogue have been pretty bad, it just takes someone as charismatic as harrison ford to pull it off.


You do realize you were just insulted?


I appreciate your opinions on the movie.
That's the main issue I think, it's a terribly written and paced film.
Even a good actress like Natalie Portman comes of pretty bad with what she is having to say.
To that I'd say all the films dialogue have been pretty bad, it just takes someone as charismatic as harrison ford to pull it off.

Dialogue may not be cool, but I don't see how it is bad. You learn a lot for every line, nothing is wasted here. Every scene moves the plot along, no 20 minutes in the desert with nothing happening like in TFA.

Pacing is basically action scene/character scene/action scene/character scene. Third act flows very well. Last duel is ace, and the final shots very poignant. Music and sound is as usual impeccable.

Hard for me to see why this isn't a good movie.


Lol, it's terrible


For one there is no way a woman would ever fall in love with that Whiny little kid.
He comes of insane pretty much immediately and it just makes no sense for her to "love" him.

Why is yoda walking with a cane one second and doing major acrobatics the next? If he can do that, why the cane in the first place?
This movie actually makes you just dislike the main characters... the worst part is that it really could have been great, but it's baaaaad.


And every $100 million movie in the last year is worse?
That's crazy!


"I have literally never met someone who actually likes this movie."

You must have intelligent friends then: here on IMDB we are mostly surrounded by idiots, hence the high score.


I'm sure there are movies my friends and I like others consider bad too, but I was genuinely shocked by this ones rating.


Oh here we go with the I've never met anyone who likes something arguement. Ok dumb *beep* you and your "special friends" don't constitute everyone. Believe it or not people have different opinions I don't ever feel compelled to tell people how do you like something I don't like to me that is the hallmark personality trait of a miserable piece of sh!t. Oh well you are probably simple white trash so their is no hope with you....

Critics are worthless, formulate your own opinion!


It's all subjective I suppose.
However I wouldn't resort to calling people names for not liking something, that's the hallmark of someone who can't explain a position.
I just honestly wanted to know why anyone truly likes this film.
As a fan of the Star Wars films this one I find is easily the weakest. However, I guess everything has its fans...


The stupid have one thing in common.They alter the facts to fit their views not the other way


The thing is George made this movies for broadly 12 year olds. That was my age when the film came out and I remember enjoying it.. so it obviously worked in my case.


It's an important movie because we see.more clearly the corruption of the Jedi and how they betray their own teachings when they became soldiers.


It also shows a 65% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Critics are kind to anything Star Wars and Marvel.


The Ackbars love this movie.
