Anyone else think this is the worst of the series...and it's not even close?

Yeah TPM is bad, but there are some redeeming features (Phantom Edit showed that, while maybe not necessarily good, there is a watchable movie there) and Revenge is what it is, but I can't think of a single setting, performance, or line of dialogue that I like in AotC.


I liked some aesthetic bits of it.

-coruscant underbelly was neat

-obi-wan vs. Jango in space was completely epic

-i really liked most of the scenes on Geonosis, especially the gladiator fight. Those creatures were cool.


Best in the series imo..but it's close.



yeah it's even worse than the empire strike back.


I lol'd so hard, reading your comment.


Its a funny line but it seemed out of character or mean spirited to me that obi would casually abuse his force powers to influence an innocent like that


to influence an innocent like that

nah, it saved his worthless azz. He even managed to break his death stick addiction.

"He's dusted, busted and disgusted, but he's ok"


Maybe. But you could well argue that its not obiwans place to decide what another person does. Like, I dont think jedi would be cool with their people just going around force influencing everyone to go get jobs and stop taking drugs because jedi think thats what they should do

I think its just somehing obiwan picked up from quigon. But I dont thik other jedi would approve


ROTJ is the worst and its not even close.


Well Episode II is definitely the weakest of the Star Wars movies, but it still has some good moments, like the atmosphere & immersion of Kamino, great job there, and basically any scene with Senator Organa.


Yeah, kamino along with the romance are best parts. Basically the middle section of the film.


ROTJ is the worst and its not even close.



AOTC managed to extract the stinkiest performances out of award winning actors. what other movie has that claim to fame?

"He's dusted, busted and disgusted, but he's ok"


Dawn of justice

