Set 10 years later...

Would a reaal ten year wait have worked out better. Like a release date in 2009?

Star Wars II would have been Phantom Menace all over again and Lucas could have spent more time on perfecting everything.

The fans would have hated the wait I know, but what would Lucas have cared?


So a ten year wait for the exact same movie? Lol


Well No. For one thing Hayden would not have likely played Anakin, he would have been too old by then. The script likely would have gone through many several changes. It would almost certainly have been a different movie.


Like today's 20-year-old actors are so much better trained and more talented? And able to give great perforamnces while working with the worst actors' director alive?

Face it, the only improvement gained by waiting would be in the CGI, and the use of 3D.

“Seventy-seven courses and a regicide, never a wedding like it!


I wish George hadn't done the 10 years later thing, and I wish he had started Anakin the same age as Luke in A New Hope, 19 or 20ish, and kept the same actor throughout. Phantom Menace should have been about Anakin's seduction to the dark side of the force, instead that gets completely rushed in Revenge of the Sith, leaving no room for anything else...


I dont think Anakin should have turned in Episode I. Lucas just wasnt very good at directing anymore. He was very rusty in the first two films.

A better director could have told the story a lot better. Anakins turn in Ep III could have been better.


A real director would have told anakins fall to the dark side over the course of one movie


I liked the trilogy format used to tell the story of Anakins fall. It just wasnt done too well. I watched AOTC just recently and it has aged badly. Its watchable and I liked various scenes. Anakins scene with his mother is actually well acted and quite powerful I thought.


Yeah.. when I see Anakin trying to rescue his mother and thinking about her, I wonder to myself--where were you and Obi-Wan and Padme for that matter in the 10 years between Phantom & Attack of the Clones? Why did you let Shmi rot on Tatooine for a decade before you actually started to care for her.

There was zero reason for Padme to not buy Shmi from Watto within YEAR ONE after Phantom, and invite her to live on Naboo, in the lake country, where there is no sand that gets into everywhere.


As far as I am aware Anakin did not see Padme between where we see them in TPM and AOTC. Thats why they are clearly surprised to see each other at the beginning of Attack of the Clones after ten years. Anakin was training to be a jedi and she was doing her political duties. I am trying my best to defend the movies I know, but you have to say that Shimi was clearly thought of by Anakin throughout those years. It was one of the few really well acted scenes by Hayden in the movie. His facial expressions, body language is actually all good. The problem is his worded delivery, something probably more caused by Lucas than Christenson.


A contrivance of this magnitude is inexcusable

It also shows that Lucas isnt about story


Its a big galaxy....

I dont think it is really that hard to imagine how easy it would be for the two characters to be seperated for a decade.


I can understand that they didn't see each other while Padme was still queen. However. Once she moved to Corusant they had to cross paths as her penthouse apartment was very close to the Jedi temple. I guess if he was frequently on planetary mission, it would lower the chances.


would jake lloyd have been in good condition to do it ?
