Jedi Code Thoughts (attempt at humor)

The topic of forbidden love for Jedi members was not really mentioned in the original trilogy, but is pretty drawn out in the new prequels. I find this odd because (and I can't be all alone here) the original trilogy led me to believe that midi-clorients (the ability to be Jedi/use the force etc) was a primarily genetic/hereditary trait. Like Luke says in Ep.6 "the force is strong in my family. My father has it, I have it, my sister has it..."

So I found it strange in the new trilogy that the Jedi council/code would forbid romance for members of the order. If ANYTHING you would think (given the hereditary/genetic thing is true) that they would ENCOURAGE dating/romance/procreation among members to produce offspring that are even STRONGER with the force than the parents. Kind of like a Jedi Eugenics program (lol)Talk about a master (Jedi) race :)

“The critic has to educate the public; the artist has to educate the critic.”



In one of Terry Pratchett's Discworld books, he says that wizards are supposed to be celibate because if they marry and breed, there's the danger that they can produce the kind of super-powerful magic-users who are a danger to the entire world ("Sourcery")... so maybe the no-marriage requirement wasn't entirely the Jedi's own idea.

Anyway, we don't know how strict the no-love requirement is, we don't know that it involves strict celibacy or just a ban on the kind of serious relationships that would take a Jedi's mind off his work. So maybe they do reproduce on occasion, or for all we know they have some kind of genetic-material donation program (to put it politely) that keeps the Jedi genes in circulation.

What we do know is that we're seeing the Jedi at the end of a very long line, and when we see them their powers are fading and they've become the kind of cold-hearted hierarchical organization that takes little kids away from their parents and tells them that if they want to be someone great, they should never get too close to another person. Personally, I think that giving people massive power and depriving them of the wisdom that comes from human relationships is a recipe for disaster, and well.

“Seventy-seven courses and a regicide, never a wedding like it!


Many religous orders require celibacy from their monks and priests. The Jedi are the same way. Lucas based a lot of things on real life.
