Anakin the most powerless Jedi

As an actor and writer, who has written and published two scripts for short film and two plays for stage I have to say that the script of this film has many flaws and is simply disfunctional in many ways. For an example: Young Anakin promises to protect Padmé at all costs, the next moment she gets in great danger in the clone factory and Anakin is trapped with his arm by the machines and can't free himself. Is this the most powerful Jedi? Only R2-D2 comes to her rescue at the last moment, stops the machine and saves her life. And after Anakin can get out of the trap eventually, the first thing he has in mind is his broken lightsaber. What kind of hero is this? Then Padmé tells him she is in love with him. What? This is totally disfunctional. Padmé had to be in love with R2-D2, he (it) saved her.


So he's a "powerless Jedi" because he cant get his hand out of a machine and he breifly worries about his lightsaber? Do you even write bro?


Yes, I do, published to plays for stage. Padmé runs away, is trapped in this shell thing ready to be killed and he doesn't scream for her only one time. Seems he is so busy with his arm.I mean, how much more indifference can show to a character. I could understand when he used his Jedi powers on R2-D2 to come and rescue her, but even this doesn't seem to be case here.


Yes, I do, published to plays for stage

I mean, how much more indifference can show to a character

but even this doesn't seem to be case here.

Serious questions: Is English your native language? In what language are your 'plays' published?


Why was listing your credentials necessary in this post?
