What if Obi-Wan hadn't stumbled upon the clones?

'Begun, the Clone War has', Yoda says somewhere in this movie.

But the reason there are any clones at all, is totally random? Padmé gets attacked, her attacker gets shot by a poisenous arrow, a guy from a sixties diner knows the planet where this arrow comes from, and on this planet Obi-Wan discovers the clones.

What if any of these things hadn't happened? No clone wars? Seems like a pretty random thing that these clone wars ever happened at all?


The clones were ordered by Sidious and Dooku, I think its safe to assume that Palpatine would of used them himself if they were never discovered once he had created the Empire, the war with CIS using enlisted people like the Empire uses in the OT. However its not impossible to believe that he knew eventually they would trace the assassins back to Kamino but not sure about that, or even that he drops a clue himself unrelated to the assassination attempt that directly leads the Jedi to Kamino


The clones were ordered by Sidious and Dooku

That would make sense, but it's not confirmed in the movie?

even that he drops a clue himself unrelated to the assassination attempt that directly leads the Jedi to Kamino

I don't recall that being in the movie.

I think its safe to assume that Palpatine would of used them himself if they were never discovered once he had created the Empire

Probably, yes.


I think Palpatine was planting clues anywhere he thought a jedi might look, and Obi-Wan happened to be the first one to catch on.

Because Palpatine wanted the Jedi to discover "their" army themselves, he wouldn't want anyone to think there was ANY association between himself and the army of remorseless Jedi-killers.

“Seventy-seven courses and a regicide, never a wedding like it!


When I said he drops clues besides the assassination attempt that lead to Kamino I worded it as possibility if Obi-Wan didnt discover Kamino as he did. Dooku was in on it at the beginning as Jango says that Dooku was the man that hired him for the job


Dooku was obviously on the ins with Palpatine's plan because he spilled the beans to Obi-Wan about the Republic Senate being in control of a Dark Lord of the Sith. And if Dooku didn't know about Palpatine and didn't piece it together, then he's a bigger idiot than Obi-Wan who didn't tell the Jedi council about what Dooku had said to him, and if Obi-Wan had told the Jedi council then why is Mace and Yoda all surprised about Palpatine being A SITH LORD?!? See, I could go on and on with this stuff... sigh.

It doesn't answer the question as to why Dooku didn't frantically try to save his life in III on Grievous ship, by telling Anakin that Palpatine was his Sith Master and that the entire kidnapping was a ruse....

Why would Dooku just sit there on his knees looking scared out of his life, instead of doing everything he could to save it? It's what Sith do. In every Star Wars works, except this one for some reason that eludes me.


The clones were ordered by Sidious and Dooku

It wouldn't make sense from Dooku's point of view though? He's thinking he's actually fighting the Republic? Why would he create an army for his enemies?


Remember, Palpatine was in charge of BOTH sides of the war? Both the Republic and Dooku's seperatists? He just wanted a war, because in wartime heads of state are granted emergency powers, and his supposedly temporary emergency powers were a step towards total tyranny.

So yes, it made perfect sense for him to give both Dooku and the Republic their own armies, especially since everyone thought the Jedi were in control of the clones.

“Seventy-seven courses and a regicide, never a wedding like it!


I get that it makes sense from Palpatine's pov, but not from Dooku? Or is Dooku in on the entire scheme? I always had the impression Palpatine was playing Dooku too, so Dooku was thinking he's really fighting the Republic, so he wouldn't clone an army for his enemy?

Does Dooku know Palpatine = Sidious? If so, what was the plan in kidnapping Palpatine? Surely getting beheaded by Anakin wasn't the plan??


I don't believe it was ever stated, but wouldn't Dooku be in on Palpatine's plans to create a phony war? Why else would he be in touch with the leader of his supposed enemies, or taking orders from him? Because it's totally in character for a smug upper-class Sith to enjoy playing the hell out of the Seperatists, to get them all riled up for a fake cause and watch them go off and get themselves killed.

Of course he didn't realize that Palpatine was playing him as well, planning to sacrifice him to his newer, more powerful, better-looking young apprentice.

“Seventy-seven courses and a regicide, never a wedding like it!


Maybe.. But then the weird thing is that almost everyone seems to be in on it. Take Jango Fett for example: he goes from the clone army to the seperatist army. So he must be in on it too?? The only ones that don't seem to be in on it are those idiot Trade Federation guys, and it's unclear what they get out of it?


Thats true, Jango definitely was in on it too. He didnt seem to be surprised when a whole army of his clones came down into the arena to fight with his employer's forces.
