Here's how Lucas should've directed Episode II

He should have split the production in four ways of filming:

1. Digital computer of establishing shots should have been made first by scanning with a laser into the computer the models and drawings of spaceships, planets, cities and storm troopers (plus the droid factory from Obi-Wan's point of view as the overhead shot). This way they would make the scenes more realistic by starting them earlier so they wouldn't look like video games. It would give the visual effects, sound designer, sound effects editor and color correctionist things to do while Lucas works on the second part of the four step process.

2. He should film the action scenes from most complicated (the arena with Jedi's battling creatures, robots and human characters) as a three part breakdown: Start with the Jedi's lightsaber battle on ground, then film the stadium the scene is set in with the insects and Count Dooku, Jango Fett and Mace Windu during the fight on ground, then film the creatures battling Anakin, Obi-Wan and Padme when they're chained and afterwards. I know the droid factory was thought of after the first cut, but these other action scenes should be filmed in a row since they're learning fencing and various action moves while Lucas works on the first stage of this process to save time.

3. After all the action scenes were filmed on soundstages, he should then film the political scenes on soundstages (and other conversations that were on soundstages) in 35mm since the post production is working hard on the action scenes. Of course, he sends one digital tape per day and the team works on the digital footage at the same time he's filming another scene. With 35mm, it will be the same thing since some of the digital should have been on 35mm (like portions of a digital Yoda, but also blend it with a puppet Yoda).

4. Next, he should film the remaining scenes on location in 35mm only. When he's away, the crew will have their hands full working on various CGI from digital and 35mm cameras on sets. Then, he would return to see the progress of a majority of his movie while the post works on CGI and matching film print and color correction with the location footage.

Too bad the movies are made already.


I'm going to simplify this.

1) Give the reins back to Irvin Kershner.


Here's a film about George Lucas editing (ESB) and it should give you some background on the editing process. He states that they needed the live action shots to be completed so they could plan and shoot the models and special effects, using animatics to plan what shots they needed.

"He's dusted, busted and disgusted, but he's ok"


That's fine for back in the day. Technology has upgraded.


the technology might change but not the basics. even Pixar does animatics to plan their shots. They still animate the model the same, except it's on the computer instead of a sound stage.

"He's dusted, busted and disgusted, but he's ok"


Well Lucas should have written his story, and then had it reviewed by Anti-Plot Hole and Anti-Inconsistency experts (believe me, they're around Hollywood somewhere) and then have someone else direct each film (for firm acting and believable characters).

Instead, George ran it all, and it resulted in some of the most unreasonable, unbelievable, plot hole filled bantha fodder this side of the Alpha quadrant.


George ran it all, and it resulted in some of the most unreasonable, unbelievable, plot hole filled bantha fodder this side of the Alpha quadrant.

haha - worth quoting :-)


Step 1. Finish the script before filming.
