how big your pocketbook is???

Is that some kind of dodgy double entendre about a big wallet and big weiner?


So how did Jedi Master Sypho-Dias order the construction of a clone army on Kamino around the time of the Phantom Menace without anyone on Coruscant noticing their "pocketbook" dwindling? It must have cost billions of credits...


And why does Dex proceed to chuckle gamily as Obi-Wan gives him a wry smile?


He didn't, the Sith just used his name. Money likely came from Sidious or Dooku.


There are so many errors in logic in the plot. If the army was funded by the sith, how exactly do they explain to the senate? Along with that, why was this army fully funded and production started 10 years prior w/o the approval of the Senate or Jedi council?


Yep, and WHY is there no investigation into the construction of the Clone Army? It's so ridiculous.

It would be as if there were trillions of dollars missing from the Pentagon treasury in real-life on 9/10/2001 and the next day it's forgotten...

Oh wait, that did happen. George may have actually been indirectly writing about the corruption in politics in real life, with the corruption of the Old Republic in his sci-fi fantasy. II being about the US misled into the middle east War in Iraq, and III about the US transforming into the first World Empire. (not happened yet)
