Favorite Star Wars movie between these two?

I want to get everyone's opinion on what Star Wars movie they like better. The original Star Wars, or Star Wars - The Force Awakens?

Only between those two movies, please no long commentary. Just say one or the other.

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Well the original Star Wars is one of my favorite movies of all time so that wins without a fight. Although that's not saying The Force Awakens is bad, I liked it but not as much.


Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope

"Have to say, Jimmy - you turned into a real impressive fighter. If I was ol' Mengsk, I'd be runnin' scared from you, too."
"You really mean that, Tychus?"
"Nah. I was just kiddin'."


original star wars

I want to live in a world where cancer is seen as a nuisance and not a death sentence.



Episode 4 > Episode 7

All too easy


Original Star Wars.


The Original

This shouldn't be a debate. This is like asking who's the better Quarterback Aaron Rodgers or Sam Bradford.


Do you *really* have to ask ffs.


Agree. Anyone saying TFA should be in a mental ward
