Moments worth in eps 1-3

Except opinion of the overall plots and stories of the I, II and maybe III of the renewed franchise later bought by Disney --- what small scenes and moments in those films where convincing and worth the watch?


There's actually a lot, but they're so fleeting that it's hard to pinpoint.

The podrace is the only really obvious one


pod race
duels of Maul vs Jinn & Kenobi
duels of Dooku vs Anakin & Kenobi
ehm duel of Anakin & kenobi and yoda & sidious

tho pretty much ep 3 sucks


Basically any scene with Palpatine/Darth Sidious, Ian McDiarmid plays a villain we love, yet really really hate.


Death of Anakin's mom
Any battle- Gungans v Droid (yes, even though Jar Jar sucks). The Battle of Geonosis is my favorite Sci fi ground battle... etc...
Anakin leaving his mom
Everything after the death of Mace Windu
Anytime Obi wan and Qui-gon Ginn are together.
The scene where obi wan tries asks to take Anakin as his apprentice.
Anytime Jango, Darth Maul, or the Emperor are on screen.


Great moments!

I'm not so much in it for the pod race. Crafty CGI it was, but felt like something fitting Harry potter better.
Problems with much of the crossing of swords as well. They needed a better trainer, and perhaps it would've been better to act it all for real instead of alone pretending.

But there were many good parts where I just almost felt the force --- then it died...


I always liked the podracing cause it was so destructive. Tuskegee Raiders on the track. Rocky tunnels. Racers hitting each other and crashing. Tons of casualties. But this is a Hutt sports it's blood sport. Hell, Jabba falls asleep watching it cause it's not crazy enough. Even though there is a ten year old in the mix.
I see what you mean about the lightsaber fights. It looks like they are "pulling punches". Though that's probably for production reasons. At least they don't use the same move over and over and over and over again like in the force awakens.


Watched this one again and I actually really liked Anakin's mom's funeral scene. It was quite well acted and not poorly written


Nice to hear you mention such a difficult part of the play!
