MovieChat Forums > Lethal Weapon 4 (1998) Discussion > Will people please stop saying Jet Li wo...

Will people please stop saying Jet Li would have won in a real fight?

Obviously some people have never seen a real fight! It could go either way if they were fighting for real, you know! Don't just speculate based on one man, ONE man's skills, please!


Jet Li actually has been trained in whatever Asian arts he uses in this movie. Mel Gibson has not. Normally, I'd agree but Jet Li is in a different league.

"All right, ramblers. Get rambling."


Riggs and Murtaugh would win if they both managed to close in and grab him. Wah Sing Ku would win if they were foolish and stay at range or come in one at a time. Size<Speed but Size+Two>Speed.

Young Riggs was a vicious fighter but he would have still lost against Wah Sing Ku if he had been fighting him in that front lawn brawl from LW1. The guy from LW2 wasn't nearly as fast or good as Wah Sing Ku and he was tearing Riggs apart for awhile. Wah Sing Ku is 3x more dangerous than the guy from LW2 and would probably tear him apart too. Riggs would have to win the fight by using a weapon or capitalizing on the Ku making some kind of mistake.


Wushu is one of those flowery arts seemingly created to look good on film. Realistically, LW1 Riggs--a special forces combat vet trained in boxing, jujitsu, and capioera--would have wiped the floor with wire-fu boy.

There is a man...he travels fast...he has purpose...he brings violence and destruction.


I'm going to wade in and add my 2 pence (cents) worth.

Let's start by establishing the following:

Real Life
- Jet Li is skilled at Wushu
- Wushu is more of a performance art than a fighting art
- Jet Li has competed and won Wushu competitions, but these were all forms and did not include any fighting, full contact or otherwise.
- We do not know if Jet Li has ever fought for real or in tournaments.
- Jet Li was incredibly quick during this film.
- Mel Gibson is an actor with little martial arts training
- We do not know if Mel has ever fought for real

Jet should win, but it's not foregone as we don't know how much real fighting Jet has done. Speed and skill are great but if you're not used to actual physical contact and getting hit, the other guy always has a chance. Maybe Jet has a glass jaw. So Mel could win, but most likely it would be Jet.

In the Film
- Jet was a skilled assassin for the Triads
- Jet was used to killing people
- Riggs was a special forces vet, proficient in BJJ, Capoeira, boxing etc.
- Riggs took down Mr Joshua with an arm triangle in LW1
- Riggs is now old
- Roger is still old but built like a mofo
- 2 on 1 is better than 1 on 1.
- Roger has no technique but brute force

Fair fight. Fair ending. It could have gone either way if the gun hadn't worked underwater. 2 on 1 really ain't easy, even for a 426 Triad which is probably what Jet was.

"But it happened at sea! See? C for Catwoman!!"


Li's only seven years younger. You guys talk as if the gap is much, much larger.

There is a man...he travels fast...he has purpose...he brings violence and destruction.


It was supposed to be much larger in the film as far as I could tell.

"But it happened at sea! See? C for Catwoman!!"


mmm...i don't have a problem with mel and glover beating li. what I do have a problem with is li knocking mel out in 2 seconds earlier in the same movie. What, did mel become immune to his hits since then? It's just a tad inconsistent.


yeah, I guess you have a point there imdb. Maybe Mel was taken by surprise whereas the second time he was expecting a tough fight.

"But it happened at sea! See? C for Catwoman!!"


In real life? Yeah I think jet li would win. He trained in the martial arts all his life. Mel gibson is a trained anti semite. No contest.


and exactly what martial arts does jet li use that are actually effective in REAL mixed martial arts contests?..... oh... none. its good for discipline and physical health, but the moves of wushu etc. are so impractical in a real fight its funny


But mel gibson has no training at all in the martial arts.




Why don't you ask Mel Gibson and Danny Glover if they think they could take Jet Li in an actual fight?

I will be willing to bet a million dollars that their answer would be hell no.

You want a similar question in a different scenario?

Would young Hulk Hogan have won in a real wrestling match against Brock Lesnar? Hell no.


Are you doubting the power of hulkamania?



Joe Pesci with a baseball bat, I'd take any day...


Mel Gibson would beat Jet Li, if both had to each drink a large 2 liter bottle of single malt whisky with smoking twenty cigarettes.

Sober though Jet Li would fly gymnastically though the air with more grace doing WireFu than Mel Gibson could ever do in whole lifetime.

Toe to Toe both Sober, still Jet Li. Gibson has a slight height and weight advantage, but after about twenty kicks to the face Gibson would be crying like a little girl.

As a person I like Gibson more, he has revealed a lot of hidden truths in Hollyweird, introduced stem cells on Rogan, testified against Weinstein, and shown true Christianity against the Synagogue of Satan. (Rev 3:9)
