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Sunny was right - Trump exploiting the widow

Sunny was 100% right on the show today. Last night Trump definitely exploited the widow of the Navy Seal, who died just recently. He definitely exploited her and her grief. Now granted, no one can really be exploited by another person unless they allow them to exploit you - and she's a grown woman who could have said NO to Trump. So she's not blameless.

Someone teach Sunny - no matter how close you are to a cousin, he is not your brother. A cousin is a cousin, and a brother is a brother. That is why we have those titles for relatives. If we choose to ignore them, then very soon Trump will be calling Ivanka his 'wife' because she's like a wife to him; and Melania his daughter, since she's like a daughter to him.


agree with you and Sunny as well. Why is everyone getting all excited about him sounding "Presidential"??? I swear, the bar is set so low with this cretin. Were ppl ever on the edge of their seats waiting on Obama's presidential moment?? Was there an actual concern over this? Was there ever this apparent collective sigh of relief? NO! Ridiculous.


Agree, Doggie and pumpkin. This was a sickening display of exploitation. This poor woman is drowning in grief and Trump used that for political capital. Ugh.


As I said in my original post - IMO, she's as much at fault. She could have easily said no to the invitation, and not be exploited that way. She could have sided with her father-in-law, and stood against Trump and demand answers (and rightfully so). Not sure why she went there and joined them - she should have sat this one out.


The Father is having none of it. He's out for blood and must have been pissed watching his sons widow sit there and be taken advantage of.

Twitler has no shame whatsoever!


The father is correct. This was mishandled from the beginning - when Trump decided to make his decisions over dinner, of all places. Talk about being inept. Why she decided to be exploited the other night is beyond me. Glad the father stood up to Trump.


Yet Hillary was vilified over Benghazi. Fucking hypocrites!



I tried watching Trump's speech but hey, I've got a weak stomach (LOL) so I decided to flip the channel and peek in only here and there BUT when I saw the widow crying and everyone clapping (for what seemed like 20 minutes), it made me ill only because it felt like she was being used rather than Trump and his gang of phonies actually feeling any sort of empathy for her situation...

Also, of course Ivanka had to be right beside that poor widow because it's become apparent that they obviously need to "rehabilitate" her brand...


Maybe the widow got a new Ivanka Trump wardrobe as an 'appearance' fee ?

Again, I have no understanding for the widow for showing up that night. Her father-in-law is the one I truly feel bad for, and respect a whole lot more.


Do Khizr Khan or Ghazala Khan ring a bell for any of you?


Wow! You're really stretching on this one, and still fail!

The Khans appeared at the DNC 12 years after their son was killed in the Iraq war, which was conducted under Bush (not Clinton).

Navy SEAL Owens was killed in Yemen, under Trump's ineptitude, less than a month before Trump's speech in which he exploited his death and his widow. And then Trump had the nerve to blame the Generals.

Try harder next time.


I do. They're now being stopped from traveling because of that idiotic Muslim ban. I guess their sons death means nothing to twitler.


Incredible. Their son died for our country, under Dubya Bush - and now they're being further punished with a travel ban.


I was surprised as well that she was there considering his father had made his feelings about Trump known but of course they probably sweet talked her or made her feel guilty if she didn't show up to pay tribute to her husband...Trump of course used it as an opportunity to prop himself up by "looking" Presidential...

It's so ridiculous, the masses pat him on the back because he goes ONE hour without going out on a tangent and having a tirade during a speech...


It wouldn't surprise me if he paid her to be there. Money talks wonders to the 'right' people.


Well, I don't think he paid her....I mean he's the tackiest person out there but I don't think he would go there especially if her father in law or someone else could potentially catch wind of that...

I just think "they" knew where to strike with someone who was incredibly's disgusting...they said all of the right things to her and perhaps promised her something else (not monetary) so she is looking at her being there like it would be paying tribute to her husband while the administration is looking at it like ratings points for you know who...
