MovieChat Forums > Cube (1997) Discussion > Are the sequels worth watching?

Are the sequels worth watching?

I liked "Cube", not a favourite movie of mine, but I liked it. Now are the sequels worth watching?

tHe MuRdER CaPiTaL oF thE woRLd 

'walk into this world with you head up high'


It's been years since I saw them, but I vaguely remember liking them.


Same cube, different dramas! I surf by for a few minutes at a time! I still have no clue what it's all about? Is it a way of people management from a futuristic "Big Brother?" WTF? ;-)


Just saw "Cube 2: Hypercube". Awful. Same concept but worse actors, cheesy CGI and the cube is all suped up to do "hyper" stuff.


2 was really confusing and mediocre. Never bothered with Zero, nor do I plan to


If you are curious about what happens to the people after they get out, then could check out Zero for that one scene.


I thought Cube 2 Was an amazingly worthy sequel. Maybe even better.

It takes the concept and just boosts it to the next level as if the first was just a prototype.

So tense and formidable!


No . They're all poor .


"Now are the sequels worth watching?"

big fat nope.


Cube 1 was the best one. In the third movie you can see who is behind everything and how it works. But beside of those interesting facts the movie was not really that good.
